Chapter 1: Welcome to the Planet Gisocar

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As I walked through the concrete, and metal rubble towards Atancio's house, in the dim lighting of two lit lamp posts that weren't on the ground. I looked around to make sure the cameras on this street corner weren't on. The last thing I needed was for someone to track me down. I wasn't doing anything wrong, it's just that I don't like the fact that the Presidential family or Board of Trustees can access any camera in the 32 sectors at any time- not like they would bother to look at any of the cameras in sector 17.
My sector hasn't done anything wrong in years. We haven't missed a shipment or started a rebellion- unlike sector 25. They thought that the government kept files on every citizen,which they hated because they thought that people shouldn't have their lives tracked by the government. I would never tell anyone this,, but I secretly agree. Sector 25 almost took down the government ten years ago because of that rumor. That rebellion started the world war on Gisocar. Sector 25 has been under watch constantly since then.
That's the reason I have to walk through rubble when I go anywhere- school, home, Atancio's house. However, sector 17 has slipped under the eye of the watchful government on our planet. That also means that the wreckage from the war hasn't been fixed. As my father always says, "Those who go unnoticed aren't helped."
I shook my head. I can't think about everything, just one thing at a time. Finally getting out of my head, I turned to see a light in a lamppost flicker out, and it started to tilt. It started falling faster. I tried to dart away, but I saw the post falling, and I felt a thundering pain echo throughout my chest.
I woke up on the concrete, the post still on my chest, blood pooling on my forehead, getting into my hairline. I pulled my hair out of my face and wiped away the blood, which looked purplish on my darker teal skin.
I tried to make my way back onto my feet, pushing the metal post off my chest. But It was heavier than I thought it would be, like a hundred pounds pressing down on my lungs. It took a few tries, but I was finally able to roll the post off of me. Avoiding any broken glass from the light cover, I stood up, re-adjusted my shirt, and noticed that the sky was starting to lighten again. Knowing I had to get home, I brushed myself off one last time and started to quickly climb off of the rubble and run back home.
Racing the sun, I climbed up the large, ancient tree and went through the open window I escaped from, landing in my dove grey room. I grabbed a bandage for my head and jumped into bed. Hearing my mom walking in the hallway towards my room, I shut my eyes and evened my breathing, pretending to be asleep.
My mom walked in and woke me up."Good morning dewdrop! Happy first day of summer!"
"MOM, it's summer!" I groaned, wishing I hadn't snuck out last night.
"Well, get up, today we need to discuss what you, your sister, and your brother want to do for the summer."
"Fine, I'll get dressed, but promise we won't go to the third sector this year, it is always too cold there."
"I make no promises," my mom said, her periwinkle eyes glinting with mischief.
I climbed out of bed, surprised that she hadn't noticed my bandage. I came up with the excuse that I had bumped my head on a cabinet grabbing my hairbrush in case she noticed later.
"Cat, what happened to your face?" my sixteen year old brother, Jassen, asked, walking into my room. "But I must say, it's definitely an improvement." He added with a sly smirk.
"First of all, it's none of your business, Jassen! And second, GET OUT!" I yelled.
My brother just smirked again and left.

I walked into the kitchen to find my mom, my sister, my annoying brother, and my father sitting around the table.
"Good morning, Cat!" my sister, Shaula, said. For this early in the morning, her eyes were bright, with no dark rings under her Tiffany colored eyes. I wish my indigo eyes didn't have dark rings around them, well it would help if I didn't stay up too late...
However, her pretty, awakened eyes seemed to miss the bandage.
"Catia, why do you have a bandage on your forehead?" my father said, seeming very concerned about my minor injury.
"I bumped my head on the cabinet in the bathroom when I went to grab my hairbrush..." I said a little too quickly. I silently prayed he didn't think it was a lie.
"Well, I hope your head is okay, darling, but could we please come up with a summer bucket list?" my mom said, clearly only focused on planning out our family's summer. So anyway, what do we want to do?" Mom asked excitedly, but no one else besides my younger sister matched her energy.
"We could go to Earth? I heard that a place called Florida, I think, that it is very nice this time of year," my elder brother suggested.
"That's a great idea, but the presidential family just passed a law that the travel between planets is illegal, Jassen." my mom said.
"What hemisphere of the Earth is it in, Jassen?" my father questioned, clearly not caring what my mom said about the new law.
"It's in the northern hemisphere, I believe..." he said, doubting his answer.
"Good to know Jassen, thank you," my mom announced.
"Why don't w-" I yawned, cutting off the rest of my sentence.
Of course, my sister had the worst idea: "WHY DON'T WE GO BACK TO SECTOR THREE! I LOVE THEIR ICE CREAM!"
"Oh, great," I muttered, while my mom just smiled at me. "I love sector three." I rolled my eyes.

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