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Walking into the alley, she saw an old monk feeding a stray cat pieces of fish from hand. The cat munched on it, its tail swishing side to side, and on seeing Aiko, it hopped onto the wall. The monk turned.

A scar bisected his face.

"It's you!" she said, recalling the monk she'd met when they were undercover. He had said he was a monk of Hongan-ji.

"Hello, little wandering monk." He still remembered her. "It's been a while." He lifted his prayer staff, and Aiko pulled out her knife, but he made no move to attack.

"You're Kennyo?" she asked for confirmation. "Shingen's friend?"

"You know him?"

"He kidnapped me."

Kennyo laughed mirthlessly. "He hasn't changed at all."

"So I'm right?'

"It was a long time ago."

Kennyo shifted his grip on his staff, and a blade popped out. Aiko raised an eyebrow. "What kind of monk turns his prayer staff into a murderous weapon?"

"This one." He stepped forward, and his speed was blinding as he charged at Aiko. Aiko blocked with her knife, but he outmatched her. He was much stronger, despite looking old enough to be bedridden. Must come with being a monk.

She ducked as the blade whistled over her head, and then kicked his knee, watching as it gave out under him. She held the knife to his throat, but then hesitated. She couldn't do it. Kennyo pushed her away.

"You're too soft to kill me," he said. His smile was almost gentle and sorrowful, as if there was a time he was like Aiko. He was a good man; he was just consumed by the desire for revenge.

Aiko backed away, and he raised his staff, but then froze. Red spread across his chest like a blooming flower, and he looked down. "Mitsuhide Akechi."

Aiko looked around, and then turned her gaze towards a rooftop, where Mitsuhide stood, pointing at Kennyo with his rifle. He gave her a sad smile.

Aiko looked down at Kennyo, who was clutching his heart. "He has good aim."

"I know," said Aiko softly. "Kennyo, I hope you get some rest."

"Thank you, little wanderer." Kennyo fell to the ground and was still, and Aiko watched the light leave his eyes, wondering what prayer you offer someone who'd revoked his god.

Mitsuhide, who had hopped down from his perch, pulled her into his arms. "We're done here."

Mitsuhide headed over to see if he could help with the battle against Kennyo's army, but the army, realizing their general was dead, had lost heart. Nobunaga and Shingen rounded up the rest of them.

As for Aiko, she went to see Mai and Masamune and helped evacuate the rest of the civilians. Not that there were many left. Unless you counted the dead ones.

"This will take a while to rebuild," she said, looking out around the city.

"We'll get there," said Mitsuhide, looking around as well. "Azuchi castle is untouched," he noted, looking back at the castle. They walked back to the castle, knowing another council was coming soon.


"Kennyo?" asked Masamune.

"Dead," said Aiko.

"Are you sure?" asked Hideyoshi.

"I saw him die."

Hideyoshi pursed his lips.

Shingen looked down, and Aiko wondered what conflicted feelings were coiling around his heart. Noticing her worried glance, he nodded to her. "Thank you."

She shook her head. "Don't thank me. Someone's dead."

"And many more were saved," said Nobunaga, looking out at his burned city. "All of you did well." He then turned his gaze to Shingen. "I believe this means our truce is ending?"

"Kenshin and I would like to have a word with you."

"That's a no, then," said Ieyasu.

Mitsuhide looked over at Aiko and gestured to her. She nodded. She listened as they spoke of plans of rebuilding the city, of partying to increase morale, and everything else. As soon as the council was adjourned, she began to head to Mitsuhide's room.

But then stopped hearing a thump in the ceiling. Walking into the nearest room, which was Mai's, she called out, "Sasuke?"

He dropped down from the ceiling. "There's no hiding with you around."

"I'd guess not. What's wrong?"

"The wormhole's opening in a week."

"I don't think Mai wants to leave," muttered Aiko.

"Why not?"

"Nobunaga," she said. It wasn't too obvious, but it was there. "Although, you'd do better to ask her. We're still in a truce, so stop sneaking around. She's in the garden."

"Thanks." He pulled a vanishing act.

Mitsuhide walked in. "Was someone here?"

"Kenshin's ninja," said Aiko, wondering where he'd come from. "How do all of you appear and disappear out of nowhere?"

"Hasn't anyone told you I'm a kitsune?"

His white hair looked almost golden in the setting sun.

"Is that how you teleport to where you're least needed?"

He narrowed his eyes, and smiled mischievously. "You've got a sharp tongue. Let me dull that for you."

"Mmph!" she said as he kissed her. He let go and she hit his shoulder. "That was uncalled for."

He laughed and then hugged Aiko. She pulled him down so that they both sat on the floor. Aiko leaned against Mitsuhide as he ran his fingers through her hair, wondering if he was just as content to be with her as she was with him.

"I am."


"I'm as glad to be here as you are. Just as glad to be with you," he said softly, rubbing her back in slow circles.

"It's usually unnerving if someone can read your thoughts, but for some reason, I don't mind if it's you," she said, nuzzling against him. "I love you."

"You're the only person who's ever made me act irrationally." He poked her cheek. She knew he was talking about her kidnapping. She laughed, and they continued to lean into each other, Aiko betraying all her feelings with how much she liked being near him.

Aiko had always thought that love was a wildfire, burning down everything in its path. But this was the fire of a hearth, warming a home on a cold winter night.


Author here. Thanks for reading! >< And I know I published this whole story in a week or so, but that's because I had the rough draft already typed out.

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