Peter Parker (Tom)

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Its my first day in Midtown School Of Science And Technology. I've always hated human schools but my brothers insist I have to go. I walk into 'homeroom' and everyone stares at me. I place my hands in the pockets of my dungarees my brother bought me and shrug my shoulders. One boy meets my eye. He seems familiar but I don't know why. He is cute though, with his dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. "Ahh, Y/N, go and sit next to Peter. Over there," the teacher says and points to the brown haired boy. I sit next to him and use my power to read his mind: oh shoot, Loki told me not to talk to her. I'm gonna get killed. Play it cool. Play it cool. Act like a stranger. You got this peter! I start to laugh at his thoughts and he looks at me "play it cool," I say to him and I see blush cover his face and he faces the front of the classroom. I lean to him and whisper "I thought I knew you when I walked in,". "Y/N and Peter, do you have something you would like to share?" The teacher asks "no i don't think so," I say smiling to wind her up. She rolls her eyes and continues reading out the homework and a few chapters of the study book. Me and Peter share all classes together so I clung to him like a baby sloth to its mama. When it was gym, I got partnered with a girl called Betty who held my ankles whilst I did sit ups. After a few sets, a strange boy came up to me. "Hey cutie, I'm Flash," I stand up "ok, first of all, don't call me cutie and second of all, I don't give a fuck who you are," he looks taken aback and I go sit on the bleachers with Peter. "Are you his girlfriend? If so, i can be so much better than he is. I bet he can't kiss you like I can," Flash says. I whisper into Peters ear "just go with what I'm about to do," I kiss his lips for a few seconds before roughly pulling away. "No, I don't think anyone can kiss better than MY BOYFRIEND," I say whilst pulling Peter up and wrapping his arm around my waist. Peter raises his brow at me then faces Flash "don't go near her again Flash," he says "or what?" I flicker my eyes red shortly at Flash and read his mind: what the fuck was that? Parker is gonna die! You're not scared, you're not scared, you're not scared. "You seem scared to me," I say before he runs off. I laugh to myself and look down to Peter's hand still on my waist. I smile to myself "Peter, your hand is still on my waist," I say blushing a little. His hand is immediately pulled back and he coughs through the awkward tension. When it was time to leave school, me and Peter had a silent walk back to the compound. Before we walked in, he stopped me "Y/N I don't wanna sound weird but was it just me who felt something during the kiss?" He asks me. I freeze any movement i had done and I feel my heart pound in my chest. "I- I don't kno-ow what you mean," I say nervously "Did you feel anything?" He asks me intently. "Peter we just met-" "No we haven't, you came to Earth a few years ago, when I was 16 and we became friends. Dont you remember?" He speaks louder "Peter, maybe we should go inside," I say. Just then, he comes close and pushes my lips onto his. For a second I stay still but then I kiss back. When we pull away he looks at me with round eyes "I- I'm sorry I don't know wha- I'm sorry" he says quickly. "Peter, its ok. I errm felt something," I say. He nods and we stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before we walk into the compound. I tangle my fingers with his and we enter the main living area. I try and avoid my brothers' gaze but its practically impossible "Ah, sister. How was your first day at scho- why are you holding hands with this unworthy mortal?" Thor asks me as he stands right infront me and Peter to intimidate us. "I like him brother," I say softly "I like Tony but I don't hold his hand," Thor says as if he didn't know what I meant. "You know what I mean Thor," I say, getting angrier by the second. "I don't think you should waste your time on this child," Loki buts in as he walks towards me, Peter, and Thor. "Well luckily this does not concern you for it is my life and my decisions and I know he will not hurt me," I shout. I run with Peter to my room and lock the door shut. We both sit on the edge of my bed with about a metres distance between us. I scoot myself closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. "Peter?" I ask after a minutes silence. He humms in response "please be my boyfriend," I say timidly. "OK," he replies. He then wraps his arm around my shoulder and hugs me tightly. "I may have only just remembered you today Peter, but I do think that I am in love with you," "I love you too," is all he replies with. We fall into a comfortable silence.

Hello!!! This is my longest story yetttt. I really hope its good because I loved writing it. If you have any suggestions then tell me. Bye :) (970 words)

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