He realizes that he likes you

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Jekyll: Jekyll had been feeling odd lately especially around you so he decided that he was going to conduct an experiment of sorts. He was going to push himself away from you and see how his behavior would change. He asked his butler Mr. Poole to keep an eye on him. Mr. Poole of course agreed and wanted to help as much as possible so he kept a journal of his behavior. At the end of the month and a half of the experiment Mr. Poole gave the journal to Jekyll. After reviewing his findings Jekyll spent more time with you and asked Mr. Poole to keep another journal for another month and a half. Jekyll reviewed those findings as well and compared them to the other ones and decided that he liked you in a romantic sense but he wanted to be certain thats what the notes said as well so he asked Mr. Poole's opinion and he agreed.

Hyde: Hyde couldn't stop thinking about you and honestly he kinda hated it. He felt all strange whenever you were brought up in a conversation. He didn't know why but he knew that he didn't like it so he decided that to make these feelings go away that he would kill you. One night he took over and immediately grabbed a knife. "Time to get rid of these feelings." He said to himself. "Hyde what do you mean by that?" Jekyll asked worriedly. "Jekyll you know what I mean." Hyde said as he grabbed his cloak and hat. "Hyde no. You wouldn't." Jekyll realized what he ment. "Oh yes I would Jekyll, and I am." Hyde opened the bedroom window and jumped out. "Hyde please not her. Leave her be, she hasn't done anything to you. She's innocent." Jekyll begged while tearing up. "She's the reason I've been feeling weird lately Jekyll, so don't tell me that she hasn't done anything to me!" Hyde yelled and started walking to your house. "Hyde please leave her be." Jekyll sobbed out. "Jekyll stop your blubbering. I've made up my mind! She has to die so that these feelings will go away!" Hyde screamed while walking to your house, "Now shut up!" Hyde started running at an inhumane speed. Once he arrived at your place he climbed up to your window and found that it was left unlocked. 'She should really lock her window before going to sleep.' He thought to himself before letting himself into your bedroom. He walked over to your sleeping body. 'She looks so beautiful while she's asleep' he thought again. He quickly realized what he thought and shook his head 'thoughts like that is exactly why I have to do this!' He nodded to himself before raising the knife above his head. "Goodbye my dear." He said as he was about to bring the knife down. He tried to stab you but something was stopping him. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Edward Hyde, a literal murderer, could not bring himself to kill you let alone hurt you. He walked back to your window and looked back at you before leaving. He also locked your window so that no one else could get in. He walked back to Jekyll's house, thinking about you the entire time. "Why couldn't I kill her....?" He asked while walking. Once he got back to Jekyll's house and back into his bedroom he looked into the mirror and saw Jekyll. "You didn't kill her..." Jekyll stated. Hyde nodded, "I couldn't....I tried to but something stopped me." Jekyll tilted his head clearly confused. "What do you mean Hyde?" He simply shrugged. "I tried to bring the knife down to stab her but I couldn't." Edward looked down at the ground. "Oh?.....Why not?" Henry asked. "I don't know." Hyde shrugged again. "W-Would you like my input?" Jekyll asked. Hyde looked up at him, "You would help me?" "You seem distressed and confused, so yes." Jekyll nodded. Hyde raised a brow and sat down on the bed then nodded to Jekyll signaling for him to continue. "Sometimes we believe we want something when we don't. It seems to me that you believe that you want Y/N dead, you believe you want to kill her because of how confused she makes you about your own feelings, but you don't really want that so you subconsciously stopped yourself from killing her." Hyde tilts his head listening to Jekyll, "Why wouldn't I want to kill her?" Jekyll thinks for a moment, "Perhaps....you care for her? I mean that would explain your confusion and they way you've been thinking lately. It would also explain why you couldn't kill her." Hyde looks at him shocked. Then looked back at the ground trying to think. "Am I even capable of those type of feelings?" Hyde looked back up at Jekyll. Henry nodded, "I'm sure you are." Hyde bites his lip softly, "......Does it truly explain my latest behavior?" Jekyll nodded, "Indeed." Hyde hummed in response. "Perhaps.....I do care for her..... how would I pursue her?" Jekyll chuckled, "Hyde, women don't like to be pursued, they like to be whooed, and besides you can ponder all this in the morning. I think both of us need some rest." Hyde looked at him and nodded, "ah, yes....rest." He got up and changed then went to sleep thinking of you.

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