Author's Note!!!

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*shoves you into a chair and ties you up*

Hello, fellow @joymoment fans and welcome to Backup!!!

Now, I know what you're (probably) thinking: "Why on earth am I tied up?! And what the heck is Backup???"

Well, if you stop squirming, I'll tell you.

Answer  to the first question: I've tied you up so you don't leave because some  people just skip over the author's notes and DON'T EVEN FREAKING READ  THE THING I TOILED OVER FOR HOURS, SPENT BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS, TO WRITE  JUST SO YOU CAN KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!!

. . . . .

Ok, so maybe it wasn't that hard to do, but if you're still here, I really appreciate you taking your time to read this through <3.

Answer  to the second question: Backup, according to Google, means help or  support, an extra copy of data from a computer, or an overflow caused by  a stoppage, as in water or automobile traffic.

Oh wait, you meant the book, didn't you?

In that case, Backup (the book, not the word) is a Joy-book fanfiction!!! 🎉🎊

And  if you haven't guessed by the cover or description, it's an "A Secret  Service" (the published version) fanfic!! 🥳🥳🥳

Now,  before we go any further, just gotta say I did get permission from the  lady herself, Joy, to write this. If you would like to write something  like this as well, please message her and ask before you do. 😊

Ok, back to Backup (pun intended 😉). Basically what this  is going to be is a bunch of one-shots (like Open Case File), but more  based around my OC, Donovan's little sister, Alexa.

So, I guess the official title would be an AU One-Shot Fanfiction thingy.

Just a warning, I am not  a very persistent updater!!! Honestly, I don't know how Joy does it. I guess not everyone can be as awesome as her (obviously).

Also warning, this is my first time writing something like this, so please be open-minded! Constructive criticism is not only incredibly welcome but strictly required when giving any criticism at all.

Ok, I think that's it!

*unties you and pushes you out of the chair*

Go! Read! Spread the word! Vote! Comment! Follow! And all that good stuff! <3

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