11. redemption arc lol

Start from the beginning

There was definitely something up ahead.

Upon getting closer you finally what was up ahead, a lone mansion.

This sigh was exasperated.

"The hell??"


The three of you stood in a uniform horizontal line, taking in the eerie sight before you.

You were sure a demon was in there. You knew Tanjirou and Zenitsu were too.

You furrowed you brows though sense a singular demon couldn't fuck up your gut health this bad, there had to be more.

You zeroed in your focus when you heard Tanjirou speak up.

"I smell blood."

I don't, you commented in your head

"Blood? I dunno about blood, but do you hear that noise?" replied Zenitsu

Nope don't hear that either

You scoped out the land, until your gaze landed on two cowering figures in the distance. You figured your observant gaze and entire appearance would scare them, who you figured out to be children, away.

So instead you tapped both Tanjirou and Zenitsu on the shoulder, pointing to the children in the distance. You didn't bother to approach them fearing you'd make the situation even worse.

Zenitsu stepped back, which surprised you.

"Oh kids." He said with equally as surprising apprehension, you gave him a dirty look.

"You're scared of children too??"

He stared back at you in response. You almost rolled your eyes at his verbal lack of response, because seriously this isn't the first time you pulled out your A-1 Japanese skills to try and talk to him only to end up being ignored.

Though you tried to make up another excuse for his odd behavior. You ended up with two.

1. What you said that time was kind of rude

2. You were still basically stranger.

You mentally shrugged.

Nothing a good shared near death experience won't fix.

Well partially shared. Whatever. You kept on forgetting dying wasn't an option.

You noticed Tanjirou had self-elected to go and calm the kids down. You figured that was the best decision anyways. You didn't mind kids, and you also felt extremely bad for them sense they were in this predicament.

But then again, you would have no clue how to help them calm down, and Zenitsu seemed to also be at a loss.

You turned a thoughtful gaze towards Zenitsu which was quickly stopped when you saw his expression.

His eyes were unblinking and wide open. His mouth clamped shut. He looked like he'd just witnessed Armageddon.

Zenitsu spoke up before you could ask him what was wrong.

"Hey.. Tanjirou, [Last-Name]. What is that sound...? That creepy sound never stops. Is it a tsuzumi?"

Sound?? Again??

You were about 10 seconds away from calling Zenitsu paranoid until you heard it.

Zenitsu was a hundred percent right, the sound was uncannily creepy. It sounded like a bow being dry fired, the semi-flexible string plucked repeatedly.

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