6. shitty explainations

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"Oh you're awake, well your teeth are finished and-"

"Wh- where is my dick at??"


Poetic Justice - Kendrick Lamar ft. Drake


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"You were so new to this life, but goddamn you got adjusted."

You were on the floor again.

This one's not grass though.
Maybe it is?

You felt the ground again the tips of your fingers carding over the surface.

No you were right the first time, not grass. It felts like a really soft rug or carpet.

Carpet?! Rug!?

I'm back in my bedroom or maybe hospital room? you thought equal parts excited and confused, I must have fallen off the bed halfway through the night .. yeah that was a logical assumption.

You had really hoped all of this had just been some terrible nightmare. Though you had never experienced one as vivid as this one. It was odd to say the least but if you really were back in your bedroom it wouldn't matter either way.

Just as long as I'm out of whatever hell that was.

" You're not in your bedroom, hospital room, or any room of familiarity for that matter." spoke a voice. It was mushy and distorted, yet authoritive. You didn't like it not one bit.

You opened your eyes. You were on your back, you faced the ceiling. It was burnish.. amber in color maybe. It seemed to be created of a plethora of metals some tarnished, some tarnishing, and many looking brand new. The voice wasn't lying when it said any room of familiarity.

Well this is new..

" I hope you mean that in a good way."

Oh right the voice.

"Yeah, me." the voice was painfully passive aggressive now.

You stared at the ceiling for some seconds in awe before speaking.

"Who are you."

"Oh would you look at that! You can talk!" The voice was annoyingly sarcastic.

You blinked.

I can't even care anymore..

"Great that makes it easier for the both of us then!" the voice spoke with so much fake enthusiasm it made you want to-


did it just read my mind?

"I'm not an 'it', I am a god there's a difference."

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