Accidents happen.

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I'm taking a nice awful stroll down this horrible ghetto park to clear my head from all the stress I've been having because my parents are thinking of kicking me out of the house because of bad grades.

I know they're just giving me threats in order to motivate me,but that doesn't seem to work.

I'm a homeless person at the age of nineteen. Yeah that's right I repeated a couple of times. I'm the oldest in my grade but because of how short I am you'd swear I'm a freshman,in the meantime I'm an old women. I look to my right and see a hobo with better shoes than me. Is that an iPhone? Great! He even has a better phone than me. Rolling with my Nokia 3310 at least I can use it as a weapon.

I kick a can in front me and hurt my big toe which begins to bleed. I have holes in my toms and my hair looks like a thorn bush,which probably has lice and other little pests who made their home in my bird nest.

Okay I'm exaggerating,I could go home and tell my parents how sorry I am and what a better daughter I will be,but my pride has the better of me.

I told them I want to be a young independent women.

And look where that got me. A young independent homeless and uneducated women.

I go to a bench near the lake and look if anyone is looking before stealing the bread the people throw for the ducks.

A goose chases me for the bread and I refuse to give it back and kick the thing and grab the piece in its mouth too.

Desperate times!

I'm chewing the stale bread and spit it out after a while,it tasted disgusting. I sat on the bench and felt sorry myself.

"Would you like some?" I hear a horse shaky voice.

"Yes!" I exclaim out of pure excitement.

"I'm starving." I moan as I eat the soft warm blueberry muffin which was making love to my taste buds and satisfying my stomachs needs.

"Could you help me up?" she asks and I don't refuse after her kind gesture.

"What is your name dear?" she asks.

"Now,my name is hobo." I sigh and she smiles.

"A pretty girl like you should have a beautiful name." She says as she takes my hand.

I don't want her to know my family and where I come from,that I am practically the richest.Correction,my parents are one of the richest families in Swellden.

I observe the things around me and see a Lily pad floating.

"My name is Lily."I say with a smile.

"Help me walk." she asks and we begin to walk and she is practically a tortoise.

Man,this is gonna be me one day!

"I have this beautiful grandson that takes care of me." she smiles and I return it.

"He's single." she winks.

I laughed shyly and my cheeks heated up. I was too occupied with the thought of her grandson I didn't notice she was gone.

I then see her in the water,floating.

Oh my God! I've killed some old women!

Panic starts to rise from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head and I begin to scream.

"Random old women!" I yell before jumping into the water to save her.

I pull her out and she's not breathing!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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