Ɨs ɨŧ mɏ fȺᵾłŧ...?

Start from the beginning

Sħɇ's đɇȺđ

She is afraid to look behind her. So she continues running to get farther away from her town. The town she grew up in is now gone.

Before she could run further, a dagger was thrown near her. She stops before continuing to run. It was a mistake.

Another dagger was thrown but this time it hit her leg causing her to fall. Tears were falling from her eyes as the pain are unbearable. She fails to notice the approaching figure as she's busy distracting herself from the pain.

The child's body was suddenly picked up as the figure looked at her and immediately brought her back to the place she once called home.
The child was getting sick from looking at the bodies and sad after finding out that these were all the people that she once knew.

She tried to get out of the figure's grasp before the figure harshly threw her to the ground.

"Look at me"

But she didn't listen. Instead, she looks around for an escape. The figure lost its patience and step on the dagger that was stabbed in her leg. Their already wasting time chasing after this child.

The child could only scream before she hesitantly look at the figure in front of her.

"You will be the perfect little helper..."

'Helper? Me? For them?'

She doesn't want that. She wants to run away from here. Away from this person. She doesn't help the person that killed her family.

"Besides, isn't it unfair?"


"Why did others die but not you? Isn't it unfair that you live but they died?"

'Is it...my fault...?'

In the figure as they see the child losing hope. She will be the perfect puppet. She must be the perfect puppet.

The child was slowly losing herself. Out of exhaustion, the child passes out.

"Your name will no longer be ######. You will now be called Eve."
Screams could be heard throughout the whole cave. The scream of a child. It has been like this ever since the figure brought her here.

She experimented on her and kill her over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER...again.

They test out different kinds of poison, weapons, mana, and many more. She died 753 times already...

Why must she suffer this way?

Why must she receive this fate?

How did it turn out like this?

She's getting tired...

Why can't it all end already...

Why is she still here...

'###- Eve just wants to meet mommy...'

'Is mommy mad at Eve for being the only one that survives...?'

'How about daddy...?'

'Are they all mad at me?'

'It's Eve's fault...'

'It's Eve's fault...'




'What was Eve thinking about...?'

'Who's mommy?'

'Who's daddy?'

'Who is my fȺmɨłɏ?'

'Who is my fȺmɨłɏ?'

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-To be continued...-

(Sorry if this is bad. T-T I was writing this in a rush as I haven't updated it for so long! I did tell you guys early for those who were in my discord server. I will try to update again soon. Maybe every weekend one-two updates? I don't know myself. But I will try to update often.)

Precious [Trash of the Count Family x Child!OC]Where stories live. Discover now