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Aurora loved the weekend. She loved doing nothing. It's the one reason she liked to get all her homework done in the week, so that she didn't have to even think about school on the weekends.

Julie was writing songs again with Luke, and Flynn was at the beach with her parents. This was a problem for Aurora because all she wanted to do was girl talk. Her mother was at work, so she couldn't talk to her, either. That left her with one more person, someone who she had grown rather fond of recently.

Hearing a poofing noise, she turned around, seeing Alex standing next to her desk. "Hey, Julie said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Hi. I thought we could have a gossip session slash girls night if you're interested? I know you're not a girl, but I need to get something off my chest and Julie and Flynn are both busy."

"Duh. That sounds like so much fun." Alex said, before furrowing his eyebrows. "What does one do on a girls night?"

"Talking about anything and everything, movies, face masks, painting nails. All that fun stuff." Aurora told Alex, hoping he would be okay with everything.

"Hell yeah! I've always wanted to paint my nails, can we do that first?" Alex said excitedly, making Aurora smile happily over at him.

"Yes! Wanna match with me or choose your own colour?" Aurora asked happily as she grabbed her  box of nail polish.

"Can we match please?" Alex asked. Aurora just nodded her head happily at him.

"Okay, do you want black or white as the main colour? Aurora asked him as they both sat down on her bed.



"So... you and Reggie, huh?" Alex asked Aurora after they had almost finished his nails. Aurora smiled bashfully and kept her gaze on Alex's hand that was rested on her knee as she continued to paint them.

"I don't know. I like him, I mean, how could I not? But he's a ghost. I'm not, how is that ever meant to work out?" Aurora vented to one of her best friends.

"This whole situation is weird, Rora. Us being ghosts and having you and Julie being able to see us. It's weird. But, it happened for a reason. And for that reason, I say let it happen. See where the universe takes you and Reggie. You like him and he obviously likes you. Where's the complication in that?" Alex told the person he was starting to see as a little sister.

"I hate when you're right. Anyway, you're one to talk. Luke told me that you met a new 'ghost friend'. Is he cute?" Aurora asked the blonde boy as she finished his nails, and started painting hers.

This time, it was Alex's turn to blush and smile bashfully. "His name is Willie."

"Mmhmm. Go on. I wanna know everything." Aurora gushed.

Alex smiled at that. He was glad he had someone that he could talk to about stuff like this.

"He accidentally bumped into me the other day as I was walking to clear my head. When we both realised that the other was a ghost, we just started talking. Well- I asked a bunch of questions and he answered them. Did I mention that he's really cute? Anyway, we hung out again a couple of days ago and I think I like him." Alex vented, glad he could get all this off his chest.

"Awh, Alex. You're smitten! That's so cute. I'm happy for you." Aurora smiled up at the blushing boy, making him smile back. 

"I just, I don't know if he likes me too. I mean-"

Aurora cut Alex off. "Alex. I don't know how anyone could not like you. You're sweet, you're adorable, and you're one hell of a drummer. Any guy would be lucky to have you. And if Willie can't see that, then it's his loss. You're a real catch, Alex. Don't ever think you're not."

Sunshine ☀️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora