Chapter 9 <3

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Ash's POV

Eva wanted to come and see my gig tonight, I had just finished practicing with the boys. we were at Callum's house. we packed up all the guitars and my drum and other equipment into the boot of my car as I was the only one who could drive. I was going to pick Eva up on the way to this small club we were playing at. we were expecting about 200 people to come. We were all really hyped! I started driving, Michael sat in the passenger seat and Luke and Callum were in the back.

I pulled up outside our block of flats and texted Eva to come out.

A few minutes later she came out, Luke moved up so she should sit next to him, I could tell they had a thing for each other! They made it so obvious aswell!

"Hey" she said as she got in.

All the boys said hi.

"You look really nice" Luke said to her.

"Thanks so do you." she said.

Michael burst into laughter but Luke kicked him. he must of kicked him really hard because he went quiet.

"Everyone exited?" Callum asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah" they all said.

Luke and Eva were looking into each others eyes. it was quite funny.

When we arrived at the venue we all got out and we carried the stuff backstage. It was quite a small club, it had a stage just big enough for us and some chairs and tables and a bar at the back. we set up all the equipment and Eva helped.

We were due to start in 10 mins, I went a brought Eva a coke and she sat down in the back.

The crowd started to build, there were about 50 teenage girls at the front. the rest of the people were people who had obviously not known we were playing but just happened to be here.

We went out to a few cheers, the boys all went to there Mic's with there guitars and I went and sat at my drums. first we played "year 3000", it went down so well. we then played "teenage dirtbag" and then "gotta get out" after a few more songs we finished on "American idiot". I think it went quite well. I looked to the back and saw Eva cheering. I loved seeing her enjoying me play, it meant everything to me to see her happy, especially at something I had done.

We went into the crowd and signed some things and took photos and Twitter names and all that stuff. After that the crowd started to go, I went over to Eva who was sitting at a table playing on her phone.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey, you were amazing!" She said hugging me. "Oh god your so sweaty" she laughed.

Just as she said that that the other boys came over, they were all really hyped.

"Hey, Ash can I stay at yours tonight?" Luke asked, "yeah sure" I said.

"You can all stay over if you want" I said as it was already half 11.

Michael and Callum both said they would stay.

We packed up all the stuff and got into the car. Eva looked really tired, probably because she had gone to bed so late last night.

We drove back to our place, the journey consisted of us chatting about how good the gig was. when we got in It was midnight.

The boys all went and sat on the sofa, Michael ordered some pizzas and we sat on the sofa and put the TV on. we were half watching it and half tweeting about stuff and following fans.

Eva was sat in-between me and Luke on the couch and Callum and Michael were leant against it on the couch.

The pizzas eventually came, we ate them, Eva said she wasn't hungry so she only had a slice. Eva fell asleep on Luke's shoulder, he rested his head on top of hers it was so cute!

Lukes POV

I was sat next to Eva on the sofa, she fell asleep on my shoulder. I loved her so much! I think I was going to talk to ash and ask him if I could ask her out. I loved everything about her! She was so beautiful. I'm like her big brother, I have been since I met Ashton, so we are close in that way. I have always had feelings for her though.

I didn't want to move, I rested my head on top of hers. I could feel Ashton looking at us, but that didn't matter.

I woke up in the same position, I looked at the clock, it was 4am! She was still asleep on me. I could hear ash and Mikey snoring from Ashs room and Calum was asleep on the floor with a duvet on him. I put my arm round Eva and pulled her close, I was going to ask her to go out with me in the morning!

Eva's POV

I woke up laying on Luke's lap, I looked at my phone, it was 9am! I had been here all night. I got up to go to the toilet but tripped over Calum and fell flat on my face!

"Owww" Calum yelled.

"Sorry" I said laughing.

Luke woke up and saw us on a pile and joined the laughter, soon Calum was laughing as well. I got up and went to the toilet.

When I was done I walked out to see Ashton and Michael had woken up and were sat on the couch. I walked out and sat next to Ashton. Luke whispered something in Ashs ear and they went into his room and closed the door. what was going on?


Hi guys,
So I hope your enjoying this story! I am doing this instead of my maths homework so you better like it! Please comment and vote I would really appreciate it and the more you comment the more regularly I will update!
Love u lots

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