• Chapter 2: "The Harbingers"

Start from the beginning

"Oh dear! Hello you two! I didn't expect you to be early, Scaramouche. And as for y/n, I already thought you would be early since you're very excited!" She said gleefully.

"And I guess you must've known eachother since you guys have met early, no?" She asked both of us.

Me and Scaramouche then looked at eachother with a frown and a confused face. "I know him from books. But, he doesn't know me at all" "Well, why would I know a random person entering a restricted area? That's suspicious".

"Gosh Scaramouche, where is your polite-ness??! She's the guest we'll be having this meeting!" Finally, someone just have to say it.

"Guest? The fatui doesn't have any issues right now, we don't need any help from other parties."

"Well, she isn't actually from other parties.. I'll explain later during the meeting to you and others!" She said while putting her hands together.


Time has passed. During those times, me and mother talked a lot to eachother. Meanwhile Scaramouche, he just listens and gives his opinions on our conversations. During our conversations, harbingers arrived one by one. Now that they're all have arrived, we'll be starting our meeting.

"Alright, hello everyone. I know the fatui is having no trouble on doing things right now, and wouldn't need any help. But today, someone has joined the organization! Please welcome, y/n! You guys might don't know her, but don't worry, She will introduce herself." She said as she stop talking and let me introduce myself.

I stood up from my seat. "Hello all! My name is y/n and I will be the 12th harbinger. I hope we could have good co-workers relationship! I also hope that because of my presence, this organization could be more better from what it was before. Any questions?.."

I was very nervous, I'm almost out of breath for being scared that they will not welcome me. I looked at their faces to see what they think of my introduction. Their faces was serious and cold, like they seem to not welcome me here. There was a long moment of silence. Because I was waiting for questions from them.

"That's very nice of you, y/n! I hope you all can get along well and consider eachother as friends or good co-workers. You know I care for you guys so that's why I gave you guys more help, right?" She said with a grin. The tip of her fingers were connected to each hands.

The harbingers murmured and mumbled "yes" as an answer.


The meeting has finally finished. After my introduction, each harbinger introduced theirselves. Then, we do some planning of how to secure more gnosis'.

Most of the harbingers, even mother herself, recommended me to secure the Wind Archon's gnosis. Since La Signora failed to keep the gnosis save and got it stolen back by the Knights of the Favonious.

I honestly also agreed on their recommendation. I wanted to see the "Nation of Wind and Freedom", the first out of 7 nations that piques my interest.

I don't know much about Mondstadt. But, I know the local stuff they have there. Maybe a little bit more searching could make it perfect. I want this "gnosis hunting experience" to be fun and enjoyable, so I decided that I will do this myself.

As I was busy with my thoughts, the harbingers slowly left one by one as time flies. I was still on my seat, staring blankly ahead. My fingers were fiddling each other, like I was nervous (but I wasn't).

I feel a pair of eyes looking at me. I wanted to see who it was.. But I don't want them to notice me staring back at them. So instead of lifting my head up to see who it was, I rolled my eyes up to see a glimpse of that person. Suprisingly, it was mother.

'But.. That's normal right? A mother being concerned about her daughter because her daughter looked nervous or something..' As I was about to speak, she cutted my words.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" She said with a concerned look on her face.

I turned my head to look around the room, just to ignore her question. But.. I thought to myself that this isn't polite at all to your mother. So I answered her:

"Don't worry mother, I'm fine!" You said with a warm smile to calm her down.

"I was just.. A lil bit scared, because I'm going to have more responsibilities to do. But also feeling excited! Because I finally can leave this castle walls for once." I honestly answer her, with a wider smile at her.

The concerned look on her face then faded, she calmed down at my answer. She then smiled back at me.

I don't want to worry her at all. She has done a lot to me as a mother. Even if she's not the best sometimes, she's still my mother. My features followed hers. My long blonde hair and blue eyes, it was like hers.


'So, it has been decided..'

'I will be a harbinger from now on'


To be countinued..

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