Meet me by the waters

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When the sun sleeps and the only witnesses are the stars and the moon

Wait by the lake and I'll be there soon

By the water where the moon lights up our reflection
Where we can let our guard down by a fraction

Where there's no one to witness our sins
No one to see how we touch each other's skin

No one to hear our words and promises

But here in our sanctuary we can be free
The only place where we're safe behind a tree

Safe to hold and pour our hearts out to each other
Without the consequences we'll otherwise have to suffer

For no one acknowledges this kind of love
Our love which is no lesser than their love

But that they're too selfish to see
Not letting us to be free

When the sun wakes and we'll have to part again
Remember that I'll be here again and again

So when the sun sleeps meet me by the waters
Where no one can hear our whispers

Silent Notes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora