Scenario pt.1

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How the Boys would react to
You wearing there

-Would find it cute and surprising cause
You never did that before.
-would lay out a few of his shirts in the room
For you to wear.
-he also likes it when you leave your
Scent on the shirt.

-finds it hot that you do
-would admire you for hours
Of how you look in it
-would get mad sometimes when you wear
Something else that's not his
Clothes cause he really likes
It when you where them.

-would blush madly
-would blush every time you would come into a room that's he in, but he also like it tho.
-likes to go shopping sometimes on the weekends with Dawn just to buy new shirts that you could wear

Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper/ Five Hagreeves ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now