5. summer evenings

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jen and justin are bustling around the kitchen when the doorbell rings.
they hear a distant "i'll get it!" shouted.
they smile to each other at how eager jack is to answer the door, knowing his girlfriend is stood on the other side.
they hear talking and as jen turns around she sees the young girl walking in, jack following very close behind.

nicole is a 5'5 green eyed beauty. freckles and curly red hair flowing way past her shoulders. she's stunning.
her and jack have been dating for a year or so, jack has always been vague about when they actually started going out.
but, as she always does, jen accepted nicole as if she was her own daughter and they've grown pretty close over the past few months.

"hi nic!" jen smiles widely as she sweeps her into a tight hug. "how are you honey?"
"i'm good thank you jen, hi justin" she smiles over jens shoulder at justin.
"come and sit, what do you guys want to drink?" jen asked, leading them to the stools placed at the kitchen island.
nic looked at jack who decided to try his luck, "i saw there were some ciders on the shelf the other day" hinting heavily with a cheeky grin.
justin smirked, side eyeing jen as they hesitated.
"fine, but don't let your sisters see them, you know they'll be wanting some too"
jack grinned as justin handed them the bottles.
"ok, we're actually gonna go sit outside for a bit. come on babe" jack stepped off his seat and led his girlfriend out the room.
"did you hear that?" jen squeeked, her eyebrows knitting together and bottom lip pouting as she placed her hands on justin's shoulders "he called her babe"
justin laughed as he wrapped his arms around her, he seriously thought for a moment jen was starting to actually cry.
"do you think he's calling her babe cos we say it too each other?" justin asked, only laughing harder as jens bottom lip pouted out even more, her eyes swimming with the first signs of tears.
"errr what's going on here?" alina asked cautiously as she walked in, closely followed by summer.
"just talking about jack, he's outside with nic by the way" jen said as she removed herself from justin's arms and carried on getting the side dishes ready for the meal.
"oh nics already here?" summer asked, her eyes lighting up slightly as she immediately headed out to the garden aswell.
jen smiled fondly at how close summer, nic and jack were.
alina, not being as close to her siblings, took a seat at the kitchen island and chatted to her parents.

justin placed the last plate of burgers onto the table outside, pulling his chair out as everyone started picking out what they wanted to eat and filling their plates.
"so..." jen started the conversation after a few moments "what are you two planning on doing when the summer break starts?" she asked jack and nic.
"oh actually...now that you mention it...."
jen looked across the table at justin. he raised an eyebrow at her before looking back at his son.
"we were actually thinking of going on a little trip. just for a week or two then we'll come and meet you guys in LA"
jen inhaled slowly as she thought it over, "me and your dad will talk about it later" she smiled kindly before lifting her glass to her lips, making eye contact once again with justin who shrugged ever so slightly.
"you guys only have two days of this year left" justin said "are you not super excited?"
summer grimaced slightly at her dads cringiness "oh actually i am excited, there's a party happeni-"
"no" jen said quickly.
justin and jack laughed at the quick shutdown from jen.
"actually mom i wanna go too" alina jumped in.
"you girls know we don't like any of you going to parties, we've learnt since the last time that you can't be trusted"
"that was summer not me, just keep her locked inside" alina groaned.
"i'll find a way out if you do" summer said bluntly.
"look mom me and nic are going out too, just let them have fun for once-"
"wha-" now it was jens turn to be taken aback.
"everyone has parties at the end of the school year, we don't wanna be the weirdos that aren't allowed out" jack laughed, giving jen his best puppy eyes.
jen knew she'd been backed into a corner here, she looked at justin once again to see him trying his hardest to not smirk.
"me and your dad will discuss it later" she said shortly.

the rest of dinner went along smoothly as everyone chatted mainly about school ending, the teachers they were glad to get away from, the classes they were looking forward too in september.
as the sky was turning red with the last fading light escaping under the horizon, everyone started taking their plates into the kitchen and moving into the living room.
jen and justin stayed outside to tidy the rest of the plates and napkins left behind before moving to the sun lounger in the corner of the garden.
jen curled into justin's side as they enjoyed a shared cigarette, just like they used to when the kids were younger.
neither of them smoke as much as they used too but they still enjoy the odd one in the evening when it's been a nice day.
jen tilted her head back, looking into the living room to see their kids actually hanging out and being friendly with one another for once as they sat and laughed, cartoons running on the tv.
she smiled more sadly as she saw jackson, his arm curled around nicole. they perfectly mirrored herself and justin right now.
she closed her eyes, moving her head forward and onto justin's chest, closing her eyes and just as she did every moment she could. she savoured the memory. she let it burn into her brain as she replayed their evening over in her head.
these were the kind of days she lived for.

"goodbye honey" jen smiled as she hugged nic at the door, watching her and jack leave as jack drove her back to her house.
"ali where's summer?" she asked as she turned back into the house, pulling her cardigan tighter around her body.
"in her room i think" alina replied without looking up, completely immersed in whatever was on her phone.
jen headed up the stairs and down the hallway till she came to summers door.
knocking softly she waited till she heard the blunt and slightly annoyed "what?" from the other side of the door.
jen opened the door just enough to be able to see her daughter "hi can i come in?" she asked.
summer seemed to think about it for a moment before agreeing.
jen moved across the room and sat on the edge of the dark blue sheets.
"i wanted to come and ask if you've decided about the homeschooling situation? i didn't wanna bring it up at dinner just incase it got awkward"
"oh yeah...i think i'm gonna go with the homeschooling. the thought of going to that place for another three years makes me feel sick"
"ok" jen laughed breathily, smiling kindly to try and let her daughter know without saying that she supported her 100%. "i'll let the school know and we'll get a start on finding the right resources or whatever. i'm not exactly sure how this all works"
"well you better hurry, by the sounds of it the tabloids are beating you too it" summer joked but jen could still detect the bitterness in her tone.
"i don't know how they found out but we can look into it if you want. i'm sorry they picked up on this story, you know me and dad hate it when they write these kinda things about you guys"
"yeah i know but it's fine really. just as long as they don't start telling the world i have shit mental health i think i'm ok"
"summer" jen tutted, rolling her eyes at her daughter still swearing so confidently, however she was finding it harder and harder to hide her smile when she did.
jen stood up. "goodnight baby" she said softly.
this time however summer didn't grimace at the pet name. she didn't smile either but it was a step in the right direction jen told herself.
"oh! mom?" summer said before jen could fully leave the room.
"please let me and ali go to the party on friday"
jen tilted her head as she breathed slowly again.
"ok. but you already know me and dad are gonna have some rules"
"yes you always do" summer rolled her eyes.
jen smiled as she carried on moving across the threshold.
just as the door was about to click shut behind her she heard her daughter softly say "goodnight mom"

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