Prologue : The Curse

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Jason Kaeld was a small child, only aged 4 years of age in the year 4868, he was a curious little boy and he liked travelling in the Cothal River. His mother told him to not go to the east side for the Kurunis Empire's power was taken from there. But Jason never listened, he usually walked there and was mesmerised by the grey landscape and the extreme mountains.

He found a small castle by a mountain and he found a man in a dark coat, his face is pale and white. He told Jason, "Welcome to my castle, Jason Kaeld, come in, don't be afraid." 

Jason shivered in fear, afraid of what that man would do, he asked the man, "What is your name, man in the coat?"

The man chuckled and told Jason, "My name is Darklas, ruler of the long lost Kurunis Empire."

Jason's eye sparkled and said, "Wow! You are royalty!"

Darklas told Jason and said while tapping his staff on Jason's head, "Yes, I am royalty. Now, come in."

But what he didn't know was that's Darklas planted a seed inside his brain, making him Darklas' slave whenever he wishes to control Jason. It also gave him the power of magic, making Jason a powerful mage.

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