Part 4

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All in Sunghoon's POV:
I woke up to make us both breakfast and that's when I realized I really needed to tell him I like him this much so I did. I did it I brought him down for breakfast and when he was done eating I asked him to stay for a second and that's when I told him I really liked him and I know we only meet a day or two ago but I really liked me and when I kept going on about why I liked him that's when he stopped me by kissing me. I of course kissed him back and then he asked if we were dating then I told him yes. Sunoo and I have been dating for a long time now about 6 years so I decided that I should asked him to marry me and I did a year ago and now I'm going to get marry to the guy of my dreams in a month I couldn't be happier then now. I love him with all my heart ❤️. The end

I know this was short but I thought I should end it soon and I hope this was a good ending and I be doing a book for Yedam and Junkyu soon if you guys want to wait and read that when it comes out. Thank you guys so much for reading this. This was my first book so it means a lot love you all ❤️❤️

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