"Just in case." Michael repeated sounding a little distressed. 

Some people quietly began to make their way to the back, others, like Abby and I, stayed back. As Michael slowly made his way to the door, I was planning on an escape route incase things went bad. If things did go sour, we would never make it down the stairs in time, so I decided one of the windows was the way to go. I desperately tried to remember if there was something in the back we could jump on that would brake our fall but my mind was blank. I could only concentrate on that simple wooden door that could possibly be the only thing protecting us from imminent death.

It was at the moment, the flaws of the doors truly showed. The hinges looked as if they were about to fall off and the paint was peeling near the edges. It's imperfections were piling up and I felt sick.

The door creaked open and before Michael could look out, three people burst through the door. There were all covered in dirt and blood. One of them slammed the door and leant against, the others rested against the walls, catching their breath. The boy by the door bushed is hair out of his eyes and I froze in place. 

I took a few steps down the stairs. "Oliver?" I said, not even believing myself. Everything suddenly felt like a dream, like it wasn't real. 

His face shot up and he ran towards me, I met him half way and we embraced in an enormous hug. I suddenly felt guilty for never going back for him, I should of at least tried. He put his forehead to mine and his eyes were closed. "It's so good to see you, you have no idea." 

I kissed him on the forehead and in this small moment, I realized how much I missed Oliver. His sudden presence brought back the memory in the van and how I was bit. The thought made me nauseous but I quickly focused back on to Oliver. "We have to get out of here." He said and then turned to Michael. "They’re coming, if we leave out the back we might make it out alive." There was more gunfire, except it was louder and closer. 

"If we stay quiet it will be fine, they'll pass." Michael said holding his hand out in a way to calm us.

Oliver shook his head and grabbed my hand, he dragged me down the remaining stairs and towards the back. Michael grabbed my other arm and threw me back. Abby caught me and Michael slammed Oliver against the wall. He was holding him by his collar and they were glaring intensely at one another. 

I heard glass smash from behind me and I could see hands sticking through the murky glass on either side of the door. A few more hands broke though before one began shoving his way through it. 

"Let's get out of here." Michael said and we all began to run for the back.

We charged through the back door and our whole group was running scarce, some manage to make it out, others weren't so lucky. I had never seen so many of the infected in one place. We began slowly making our way through the gardens at the back. Most of the infected had been chasing the rest of the group, so we were managing to get through unseen. 

When I thought about it, it was horrible how we were using them as a distraction but what other choice did we have?

Abby grabbed my hand and yanked me back. "We need to get Mason." She whispered so only I would hear. 

"Let’s go." Michael said from the front. I looked back to Abby and nodded. 

We began slowly stalking again, Michael was leading us through the trees and shrubs through to the back gate. "Where is he?" I whispered back to her.

"He was out on a run with the smaller group. The overnight ones. He was supposed to be back around now." We finally made it to the gate and retreated to the bush land behind the home. It was a lot quieter as we ventured in deeper, it almost seemed peaceful if we weren't running for our lives. 

"He's in town, he'll be fine." We didn't talk for a while and we slowly began to jog and then a fast pace walk. We went deeper and deeper into the trees and I had no idea where Michael had us headed but he seemed as if he had a plan and I wasn't about to argue with him. 

Oliver occasionally looked back checking on Abby and I. The other two men who had come with Oliver didn't say much, just lurked behind us, whispering to each other. I figured they were discussing whether they could trust us or not. 

"So who is he?" Abby said quietly so Oliver wouldn't hear.

"A friend." I said not really wanting to elaborate on the subject. 

"A cute friend." She said and smiled at me. "He seemed pretty happy to see you."

"Yeah, well we went through a lot." I should probably be easier on Abby. It's not like I hated her, I just didn't like her that much. It might have been a first impression or deal. I did missing have someone to talk to about minor things like boys but I felt like if I let her in, I’m openly replacing Christy and Hannah and that gave me a sick feeling.

"Sorry." She said and went all quiet and I knew I had upset her.

"Abby." She looked at me oddly and I gave her a reassuring smile, the kind I give Sam. Wait. Where is Sam?

Emotions ran through me but one stuck and that was guilt. “Michael, where is Sam?”

“Keep it down, she’s fine. She’s in a greenhouse up ahead.” I felt as if I couldn’t trust him and all I could think about was the undead ripping apart Sam, the one I want to protect most.

I don’t know what I would do if Sam died, she was a walking memory of Christy, of my old life. Not only that but she reminded me of innocence and I craved to be young again or at least back for all this.

Sam was my reason for living, she was the only hope I had.

The Undead Series-LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora