Chapter 8

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I watched everyone from the top of the stairs, shooting questions at Michael about Victor. Some cried which surprised me as I didn't know he was that popular. I have never even heard him speak before that day. 

Michael calmed them down and gave them a speech about how death was impossible to avoid in this world or some bullshit like that.

He glanced up at me from time to time, it was only ever for a spilt second, he was studying me. Studying my reaction to the situation. All I could do was stare blankly back at him, I didn't feel remorse nor was I happy I did it. I felt that there was something I needed to do and I did it, I didn't hesitate like in the movies, I took the shot. I guess I was hoping that by killing some perverted freak that it was my way of contributing. Rid the world of one monster at a time. 

It also made me realize something, the true monster. Not the flesh eating creatures roaming around, the man who started this. The man I'm going to kill, even if I die trying. 

I was lost in thought when Abby sat next to me, bumping me a little. 

"Hey." She said plainly. 

"Hey." I said in an identical tone to her. 

"You must be pretty shaken up. You know, having to go through that." She glanced at me for a second but I continued to stare down at Michael. I was trying not to make eye contact as it was always my weakness when I was lying.

"Yeah, It's all like blur now." I lied, I remembered it like it was 5 minutes ago but I tried to make it seem like I was deeply traumatized by it. I was mostly relying on movies and books, the characters mostly seem distraught by doing something or witnessing something like that. I decided to stick with the innocent act, less questions.

"Eve. Can I ask you something?" I looked at her a bit confused and she laughed through her nose. Abby and I weren't that close, even though we had been through alot, I didn't really consider her family like the others. 

"What it is?" I was suddenly a little interested in what she was about to ask.

"Do you think things will ever go back to normal?" She asked the question so many people were wondering, I often caught myself thinking about it too. Running it through my head and analysing possible scenarios that could lead to it. I often contemplated the fact that it will never be normal, even if the plague ends. We have all been so exposed to death and pain that we will never be the same but still I hoped that all of this will go away. 

"I think we should hope for the best but prepare ourselves for the worst." That was the best I could do, the best way of summing up the answer enough for it to make sense without thinking too much into it.

"You're really smart, you know?" I attempted a laugh but my mind was telling me I was too tired, so I just breathed out my nose quickly. "I want you to know, that if this does all blow over. I really hope we can be close friends. I know I never will be able to replace Hannah but I want to be there for you anyway." She’s acting like this is just some walk in the park problem. I wanted to just tell her that people have died and so much is lost and if this does blow over, I don’t think I want to have anybody close to me again.

Gunfire was heard from the distance and the room went quiet. There was a few more shot and then screaming. I slowly stood up and so did Abby. I was staring at the wooden door and then I realized that, that was the only thing protecting us from whatever was outside. Be it undead or another group.

"Everyone get ready to exit through the back, just in case." Michael said while slowly approaching the door.

"Why?" A woman whispered.

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