Chapter 6

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This year the Warblers, the New Direction's and Vocal Adrenalines are going to regionals in New York and all of them are practicing.

When Kurt and Blaine woke up they realized that two weeks more they have regionals and they don't know what to sing, so they better get up and go to the Warblers meeting that the council organized.

Blaine shook Kurt and gave him a morning kiss. They jumped out of bed and got into their uniform , they went downstairs and sat down on the sofa. Everybody had arrived and the meeting began.

One of the council members said
"so you know that regionals is in two weeks and we still don't have anything prepared so we better get to work" and the other member of the council said
"Blaine you'll have to choose another warbler to sing with, we are opening it with a duet then you should choose a song" Blaine responded
"I know who I'm going to sing with and it is Kurt we will work on the song and tell you tomorrow" Kurt was happy because he chose him to sing the duet.

"So you chose me to sing the duet with you,what do you have in mind ?" I said with a big smile on my face.
"This time I chose a song that is different from the others, we are going to sing Candles " Blaine said and I responded "good song I like that, so we can rehearse in my room when classes are done okay ?" And Blaine said thinking about something "okay"

When classes were done,Blaine was waiting for me outside class and when I went out I saw him and he said
"hi beautiful how are you doing today?"

"Well good for now and you? I said excitedly.
"yeah good I guess, so do you mind if I carry you up the stairs I know it's ridiculous but I really really love you and you know that" he said with his eyes sparkling. But when I was going to say something he grabbed me, pulled me up and carried me up the stairs, and everyone was looking. I blushed a little but I had fun.

When we were near my door, Blaine opened it still carrying me and when we were in my room he threw me on the bed.

Then he jumped on me and started to hit me with the pillows and in a second we were doing a pillow fight, then he started to tickle me and I am really ticklish.I said taking breaths between every word " Someone....... Stop" I was laughing so hard that I was loosing my breath and then I heard him say
"I won't stop but if you want me to,you have to kiss me"
"well okay then", and I leaned in and kissed him on the lips for about a minute and then he let go of me.

Then I said
" well we better start practicing or we will let the group down and we have to explain what we were doing instead of practicing " and with a smile and a laugh he said
"well okay then if you say so"

Then we started to rehearse and we chose which parts we were going to sing and then started to sing and rehearsed it a couple of times. When we were done we talked a little and fell asleep on my bed. I didn't want to wake him up because he looks adorable when he is sleeping.

The other day we woke up and went to talk to the council about the song we chose and they said
"good Choice Blaine and Kurt well now we need to choose the 2nd song, which we will talk about it in warbler's practice." And then we nodded and went to the Lima bean for some coffee.

When we arrived at the Lima bean we sat in our usual chairs and ordered.
When the coffee came we drank it and talked a little, then it was time to go back to Dalton for our classes.

Our class was together and it was French. Me and Blaine sat near each other and when the teacher began to talk we listened carefully and he said
"well as some of you know,this year we have a competition,you need to gather up in groups of two and make a project about French and it's culture and by next week you need to give me the projects and a group of two will win two tickets for a weekend in the city of love, Paris,so you better get to work if you want to go" everyone cheered and started to choose their pairs.
Me and Blaine of course were doing it together and I said
"wow the city of love, I really want to go there even if I don't win, someday I will" and Blaine laughed and said excitedly
"we will go together and we need to win this competition, a weekend in Paris you and me that will be so great" I laughed and agreed.

When classes finished we went to begin our project and rehearse the duet we have to do for regionals. Tommorow we will know what the other two songs will be ,and we laughed and started.

I could imagine me and Blaine in Paris together alone, that will be great and so much fun.

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