Chapter 3 -Attracted To Her-

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hey luvs! sorry i haven't posted in days, im busy editing and posting on TikTok thats why i haven't posted here but anyways heres a new chapter hope you enjoy it!<3

*Lionels POV*
"Ugh why am i jealous. shes just my assistant nothing else, she may be just like my former assistants. clumsy,stupid,dumb,cry baby." he rolled his eyes and he shook his head lightly and continues to talk to his friends. After the party everyone else goes home and said their goodbyes to Lionel, Lionel then told to his maids to clean up the mess tomorrow, he goes inside his room change into more comfortable clothes and starts to brush his teeth, he cant stop thinking about you on how he looked at your clothed chest, but still cant stop thinking on how he saw you gets in Nates car.

He got so jealous and finished brushing his teeth, he washed his face and wiped it with a clean towel, he sits on his bed putting a blanket on him, he gets a book in his bedside table and starts to read an hour later he puts his book on his bedside table and he then lays down and closing his eyes.

*Y/Ns POV*
Y/N woke up with the sound of bird chirping, once again she woke up earlier than her alarm, she stretched, gets up on her bed, opened her curtains and window, she goes inside the bathroom and doing her business. some time past (7:20 am), Y/N finished putting her clothes and doing her makeup, Y/N goes down and seeing Nathans 'girlfriend' sitting besides Nathan "Oh hey little sis, good morning hows your sleep?" Nathan said with a smile. you cleared your throat and said "yeah its good." not even bothering to keep an eye contact with him "Nate can you drive me to work now? im skipping breakfast today" smiling at him "yeah,yeah sure just make sure you eat lunch on time"

You two finally arrived and Nate kissed your head opening the door for you "Thanks brother" you smiled and he smiled back, you finally arrived at work saying goodmorning on your co-workers, you sat on your chair opening your computer, Lionel arrived at work with a cold look, you and your co-workers immediately bow down, Lionel saw you and scanned your clothes he bit his inside cheek to control his smirk seeing you with a fitted skirt, thin blouse and a ponytail.

he then shook his head lightly and goes inside his office, everyone sighed a relief "Oh gosh, i was about to shit my pants when he stared at us for too long" Mr.Smith said going back to his sit "I knowwww, i thought we did something he didn't like" Sophie said, everyone goes back to their sit, its time for lunch and Lionel called you in his office, you knocked and going inside his office "you called Mr.Shahbandar?" you felt a knot forming in your stomach, he cleared his throat and said "lets have a lunch together, as an assistant and a boss time, and maybe you can tell me about yourself." he raised his brows and glaring at you waiting for your response, you nodded and said "o-oh of course sir" giving him a nervous smile "great wait for me outside." you gets out in his office getting your purse "Y/N why are you getting your purse? you know our lunch is free right?" Alexie said giving you a curious face "Well Mr.Shahbandar asked me to eat with him" you smiled nervously, everyone widened their eyes "you serious?!" Sophie said with a shock yet curious tone "yeah, why? what's wrong with that?" giving them a confuse face "well Mr.Shahbandar never ask anyone to eat with him except to his friends, so its very rare for him to do that" Carl said and you raised your eyebrow "maybe you're a special one~~~ and he likes you Y/L/N~~" Lance said teasingly, you lightly pinched his shoulder making him say ouch.

Lionel gets outside his office and said "Y/N! let's go im starving." he rolled his eyes making you jump slightly "y-yes of course sir" you two walked towards the elevator and finally hits the lobby, you two goes outside and his driver is already there, the driver opened the door and Lionel said "after you Y/L/N." you thanked him and goes inside the car, you two finally inside the car, Lionel rested his hands on your knee making you blush slightly "so you have a boyfriend?" while looking straight forward to the road "no sir" saying in confidence, he looks at you and said "really? then who's the guy who opened the car door for you yesterday?" rolling his eyes and focusing on the road again "o-oh that was my brother Nate, i actually have three brothers-" he cuts you off and said "yeah,yeah i didn't asked how many brothers you have" he rolled his eyes and and starts to draw circles on your knee, you rolled your eyes and said to yourself "jerk."

You two finally arrived at the restaurant and goes inside and greeted by two workers "Good afternoon Mr.Shahbandar and welcome back, and it looks like you bought someone new with you?" they gave you a smile and shakes your hand "ah yes this is my new assistant Y/N." putting his hand behind your lower back drawing circles, "alright then! you two may take a sit and we'll take your order!" you two finally sat down and one of the workers asked your order "I'll have a mushroom soup, a steak medium rare, and a red wine." "and for you Ms.Y/N?" "I'll have a greek salad and a water, thank you" you gave the worker a smile "alright then, your order will be done by 30 minutes, now if you'll excuse me" giving you both a smile, Lionel rolled his eyes and said "really a salad and a water?" he scoffed "yes sir, im apparently on a diet right now" smiling at him.

"diet? who are you trying to impress?" he scoffed again "no one sir" smiling at him again, he rolled his eyes and both of your food is now served, you two talked about yourselves and other stuffs, you both finished and you took out your card "what are you doing?" Lionel said raising his brows "uhm, paying for my food?" giving him a confused face "no let me pay for it." getting his card out "sir, you dont have to-" "i insist Y/L/N. let me pay for it." giving the card to the worker, you two both got out the restaurant and gets inside the car "thank you for paying for my food sir" giving him a smile, he looked at you and trying not to smile "yeah no problem." resting his hand on your knee and drawing circles. you two finally arrived back at the office, "sooo~ hows the lunch~" Alexie said with a teasingly tone "yeah it was fine, we talked a lot of things" sitting on your chair "okayyyy~ of you say so~" you chuckled and shook your head. Lionel sat on his chair smiling "damn her smile is so pure, shes perfect, shes very attractive." he cleared his throat and said to his self "so shes single and has 3 brothers? makes sense why she doesn't have one" he shook his head and continues his work.
date:April 15 2022

Attracted To Her? ||Lionel x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now