Chapter 1

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The night was dark, fires blazing all over the village as trolls and dragons fought to the death, a little blue troll running through it all as if nothing bad was happening, the young boy ducking under fallen beams of wood, and slipping past trolls holding swords and pitchforks...

     Most of the trolls he ran past sighed, rolling their eyes in frustration to see the helpless child outdoors during a dragon attack...

     "What is he doing out?" one troll asked in an angered tone, watching the young troll run off into the distance. "Ugh... not this guy again..." groaned another, just barely missing accidentally striking the boy with her oversized axe...

     All around them dragons swooped down, breathing fire, stealing food, and destroying buildings... the trolls fighting back to no avail...

     As the little troll ran, something suddenly grabbed hold of his dark green leaf vest, yanking him back in a harsh jerk, the young boy letting out a quick squeal of terror as he was lifted off the ground...

"Branch!" a large green troll shouted out in anger, revealing himself to be the one who now had hold of the young boy...

Yes... my name is Branch. Weird name, I know... but it's the only one I got...

The green troll held Branch off of the ground by the back of his vest, looking around at the crowd in angered confusion...

"What is he doing out again!?" the large troll yelled to the crowd accusingly, before turning to look at the little blue troll dangling helplessly in his grasp. "What are you doing out?"
"I... I was just..." Branch stuttered, looking up at the green troll in fear, his ears drooping down low in shame...

That troll holding me right now...  the biggest one of them all... the one looking as if he's about to literally kill me... yeah... that's none other than Thorn the Vast. Chief of the tribe. It is said that when he was a baby, he popped the head of a dragon clean off it's shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes... yes I do...

"AHHH!" a sudden scream rung out loudly through the air, rising over the sound of the crackling flames engulfing the entire village.

Both Branch and Thorn flinched at the sudden scream of terror, quickly looking over to see a nearby building burning to the ground, several trolls struggling to put it out...

     Both Branch and Thorn flinched at the sudden scream of terror, quickly looking over to see a nearby building burning to the ground, several trolls struggling to put it out

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     But... every time they poured water onto it... the flames only seemed to get bigger, blowing them back in a huge explosion...

And there goes the trick candle division yet again...

"Get back inside, you worthless runt," Thorn finally shouted at Branch, tossing the little blue troll to the ground before running off to help with the fire.

Branch sat on the ground for a moment, watching him go in despair before finally jumping back up to his feet, beginning to run through the village yet again...

Trolls and the Dragon Trainer (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now