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tw: bl00d at the end of the chapter. please stay safe <3
time is a valuable thing.

commoners take time out of their day to spend time with their loved ones. well, most commoners theseus has seen.

the word ' family ' comes from the latin term, " familia ", which means ' a group of people recognized as related, usually by birth recognition. ' families [ plural for family ] are supposed to love each other, no matter what.

..not for theseus, however.

theseus' family consists of 3 members. the emperor, philza [ or phil, as to how his family refers to him ]. the ' runaway ' prince, wilbur. wilbur was the oldest brother in his family. by blood, wilbur is his only true brother [ which theseus personally hated. ]. finally, there his techno, the ' blade '. he is mostly known for being the only adopted member of his family, aswell as being the best on the battlefield, considering himself is called the ' blade '.

about 7 years back [ or was it 8? theseus lost track. ], theseus' family isolated theseus from the rest of their family [ mentally. possibly physically. ]. the only times he came out of his room was to speak to the emperor, finish a task alongside with one of his family members, and/or to be presented within a party or festival. theseus tried his best to go outside [ as it is apparently healthy ] at all times, but sometimes he can not bring himself towards doing so.

theseus paced around his room, trying to figuire out what to do other than stare out the window [ which he already did ]. hes tried many times to write shapes [ drawing, as commoners say ] with his quill on an empty scroll, but he couldn't keep the patience it takes. especially when he repetitively ' messed up. ' he tried sleeping, but couldn't bear the silence he heard [ a metaphor. used by commoners, again. ]. so he decided to go on a ' walk '. although first, he had to look presentable.

he walked over to his closet, and looked over the mass amounts of clothing he owned. since it was merely a walk, he put on a white peice of cloth, and over it with a light red garment. he wore black clothing over his legs and put on [ + tied ] a corset belt over it. he clipped on a lighter red/white cape over himself [ as to expected attire ], fixed his hair, and put on his crown. no one has ever really expected him to wear a crown whilst roaming castle grounds. however, since he is the crowned-prince, he expects that himself is needed to wear his crown at all times, except his own room. which, of course, is not completely true.

theseus made sure his chamber was neat and tidy before twisting the handle that lead to the outside of his room. he gently opened and closed the door, trying to cause as little as none noise to keep the knowledge on his presence low. he silently but quickly walked down the stairs leading up to his chamber and entered one of the longer halls in the castle. theseus quickly realized which hallways he was in [ ' perks ' of living in the castle for so long ] and followed the route to the castle grounds.

once theseus was outside the castle, he headed towards his most special but secret spot -- his very own flower field. of course, hadnt actually theseus make the field, but he was the only one to know it existed. in that area, at least.

he walked over to his favorite spot and sat down. he quietly enjoyed the breeze, lightly hitting against his face aswell as his body. the cold air was refreshing, considering the fact that it is so humid inside the castle. theseus didnt understand how that worked, but he never questioned it.

the landscape was beautiful; as said, there was a flower field in the area, containing flowers that go from dandelions to alliums to even cornflowers [ which were rare in the biome his family lived in. ]! the grass was naturally soft, there were a few trees in the area to supply shade, and there would always be a river [ or was it a pond? ] nearby, so he could just listen to the sounds of it. it never failed to overcome him with relaxation and a sense of calming.

he loved to just sit here and listen to the sounds around him. hell, if he could, he would do anything to just sit here for hours! but that wasnt the case, because there was always work needed to be done. and if his family couldnt do it, who would?

theseus' family had grown to ignore and forget about theseus. they would supply him with food and water, sure, but they would never actually talk and physically care for him. it upset him the most when he found out that his father talked to a commoner more than his own son. that was what lead him to his ' jealousy ', as the nobles say.

theseus never had a thing for words, or english at all. his adoptive brother, prince techno, was always one to like them though. he used to say complicated words like " phenomenal " or " sensational ". it always hurt to think about using words like those because it reminded him of his brother [ he cant say them properly, either. ].

theseus also didnt like to listen to a guitar's tune. sure, he loved music and liked to listen to it, but it also brang back memories from when he was younger.

he hated his past.

he loved how he was so free and so happy, but sometimes it hurt to see himself enjoying the time of his life back then and look back at the present. it was so hard not to think, " what did i do wrong? ". just one day, one inconspicuous day, his family turned their backs on him.

no matter how many times they apologized, now matter how many times they would try to make up for it [ if they would even try, however ], he would never forgive them. not at all.

and thats when theseus realized.


just maybe.

he himself may be the reason for his own problems.


theseus ran back inside.

he hadn't even realized there was a slight tear [ just a small one ], appear and fall from his eye.

he kept running, however.
he didnt stop.

sure, nobles and other guards were staring at him with digust and/or concern, but he personally didnt care.

once he ran up the stairs, ran in his chamber, and locked the door leading to the outside, he sat on the floor. crying, ' obviously '.

he expected anything bad to happen to him.
he expected someone to walk in his chamber at any second and look at him, dissapointed.
but the last thing he would have expected happened.

his throat started to burn.
and when i say ' burn ', i mean burn.

his throat hurt so bad, he couldnt stop coughing. he kept crying, silently begging within his mind for it to just stop. for the pain to stop. for the neglection to stop. for the ignorance, the absurdity of his life to be this mean to himself to just stop.

but it didnt.
it just kept getting worse.

his throat and tongue started to get raspy. theseus kept coughing, trying to get whatever was in his throat out. his lungs felt like they were burning, aswell. it was so bad to the point where he just couldnt breathe.

and then it came.
it came out.
but it wasnt what he expected.

3 yellow petals and a bit of dripping blood.
wait, petals?

as much as he was digusted by it, he touched it, trying to figuire out what it was.
but it was just as he thought it was.

a soft, yellowish-goldish petal. 3 of them. coming from him. layed out in front of him, with a bit of blood on all of the petals.

what the hell?


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