chapter 20

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Y/n POV:

After reading the letter y/n was happy and a little confused that she was from this universe.but she also felt more like herself she burst out crying and ran and hug charlie.her soulmates got slight scared that there soulmates was crying.charlie hugged y/n tightly and smothered her hair with his hand.he looked at the letter and smiled.i dropped the hug and smiled at him with happiness and comfort shining in my eyes.

From the corner of my eye I saw bella fuming at the attention she wasn't getting.edward look ready to leave he looks paler than before so ik Edwards was getting threatened by my mates in there mind.i turned to them and they looked innocent I could help but lightly squish there cheeks.they let out a soft purr from contact.they looked ready to cuddle and not get up at all for anyone even front of my dad.

She takes her hand away and they both make a low whine of protest.i gave them a look that says come here while I open my arms for them.they both ran over quickly and I landed on the couch with the two snuggling up to me.i look up only to see a fuming bella  and dad looking like he's ready to leave use to spend more time together.edward look like he about to throw up I smiled and then lifted my upper body a lil bit.

They made protest noise as to make me lay back down but.i gave them a stern glare and they both instantly let go to not get punished.I turned to my dad and we talked about me already being supernatural.then dad started to shake with rage when bella said something that was directed to me.but I couldn't care less charlie started to shake I hurried up and brought him and Jacob to the woods.then Charlie shifted Infront of me he had a beautiful wolf color.

I hurried behind a tree and so did Jacob  we both came up to him in wolf form charlie was a little smaller than Jacob I was bigger than Jacob and was Charlie me and Jacob huddled together.

I was the white wolf Jacob was the brown wolf and dad was the black wolf

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I was the white wolf Jacob was the brown wolf and dad was the black wolf.since I created a mind link with Charlie and my other mate they both can hear and Jacob then explained everything to Charlie and he nodded his small wolf head.i won't lie Jacob wolf was adorable but Charlie was scared to shift back so I came over even if I'm not the parent he still needed comfort because of the things that happening.

i won't lie Jacob wolf was adorable but Charlie was scared to shift back so I came over even if I'm not the parent he still needed comfort because of the things that happening

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I then made a wish so when shifters shift they can have clothes on when they transformed back to human.every shifter felt tingle and we told Charlie to change back.but Jacob got slight panicked and was about to tell him not to when it was to late he changed back human but he had clothes on.i heated Jacob thoughts and he was say how in his thoughts I told him to transfer back and he did cause I used alpha voice on him.

At first he got flustered cause he thought he didn't have clothes on untile I changed back and pointed down at his clothes.he looked down and sighed in relief I giggled at his stupidness.charlie then asked me how to stay calm and we gave him stuff that could help but when him and sue locked eyes it was like they both felt that they were and Jacob explained that to them Marcus was to busy having his head in my neck.

I really wanted to cuddle my mates and never let go but.bella was here and she was staring shoked at charlie.she thought Charlie didn't know about the supernatural but the she turned to me and I swear I saw rage pass by her eyes.i just walked away and went to my room with my mates and cuddled we locked the door and window then went to sleep I wished that marcus could only sleep when he wants to I smiled at that wish I saw Marcus shiver and I kissed his forehead and Jacob forehead then went to sleep.

Bella POV:


NOW CALM DOWN BELLA calm down in still a human i just have to get turned then I'll be powerful.i calmed my self down then went upstairs with Edward we lied down.edward kissed my forehead and all I felt was love from him.i loved him so much I would throw everything away but now that Charlie now about the supernatural he might die.

It's all that bitches fault untile we heard Charlie slam the door down stairs.edward jumped up and I sit up fast.edward then told me there was another shifter in the house.i then thought wait Charlie can't be in the supernatural unless.but Edward confermed it that it was Charlie.

I started feeling out but then I calmed down when Edward kissed my forehead.we layed back down and cuddled until I fell last thought was:I wish that bitch stays human and then I could kill her.

Little did bella know she would die and so would Edward and no one would care.only for her to creat a better version of Edward and Bella.

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