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ISABELLA walked the halls in pure confidence, they say if you hear the chilling of hoops you knew Isabella was making her way through

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ISABELLA walked the halls in pure confidence, they say if you hear the chilling of hoops you knew Isabella was making her way through. Many animals stared at her, not having a transfer student for quite a while. Especially a human.

"Hello, my name is isabella and I'm new here uh do you happen to know where the drama club is?" Isabella said with a humorous grin.

Maybe she chose the wrong person to ask for directions, she sweat dropped at this rather tall wolf. Maybe he's mute?

Isabella tried to recall any type of sign language and studied her signals hard hoping this wolf understood. As you're trying to perfect your signaling you seem to fail to notice him sniffing you.

"Legoshi! quit sniffing her" a tiger said. Making your head snap up. you look at the wolf with a concerned face. "SORRY" you hear him yell. You could tell he was embarrassed.

You laugh swiping your hands through your long brown hair, amused by this situation. All you had wished for was directions to the drama club.

"If you were looking for the drama club you came to the right place", the tiger grinned showing his sharp teeth. "Let me introduce myself, I'm bill and the wolf is legoshi," he said with his hand out towards me.

You look at his hand then towards his face and smile, trying to hide the fact you don't like physical contact at all.

"No need for such a proper introduction, I'm fine with just a smile and a welcome," you say nervously. In the corner of your eye you could see legoshi staring at you again. "you know staring is quite rude, honey," you say to him making him snap back to reality.

You notice him straighten his back out and stand making him grow even more. "holy shit! your big" you say a little taken back.

You hear the tiger laugh and your face immediately turned red due to embarrassment. You slightly smile towards legoshi as his eyes are wide.

Weird....you walk into the gym and see people stretching, running through lines, and some just talking. It's quite interspecies, you smile at the scene.

"um excuse me, my name is isabella 𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘻 and i'm the new transfer student," you say with your head bowed. You want a good impression, of course, this isn't just some new school to enjoy and have fun.

You are a human. Sadly in this world, humans are theorized to be extinct by the year 3000. Making you more valuable to the government, or worse the back alley.

You hear mumbles about a human being here, or people just boosting your confidence more than it already is. Sure you are beautiful but you have to thank your parents for all the genes they passed down.

By the time you took your next breath most of the club members ran up to you introducing themselves. You smirked, you were used to this and were about to begin answering people's questions till you heard a voice near the back.

" Guys settle down, this is highly unprofessional," a well-dressed deer said. You take notice as all the club members who were near you moved back to the areas they were before. Interesting. Your eyebrows raised at the authority he held, he certainly is a student as well.

"I have a feeling you don't want me to thank you," you say with pure vitality not caring about the looks people let out.

The deer remained silent and looked down at you. You didn't like that. You stand straight up, indicating you aren't someone to try to upstage. The animals in the room could feel the tension beginning to rise. Soon enough it broke when they heard a nervous clap from the instructor.

"Alright that's enough, settle down, we will not do work today so we can get the chance to know our newest member, isabella," he said with sweat dripping down his forehead.

You felt bad for putting the instructor in that situation and apologized, as well as Louise.

Were you competitive? sure. But you do know when to back down, this asshole does not. You can tell by his manner that he thinks he's better than everyone, the cockiness reeks from him. You scoff as you see him apologize as well.

This was some first impression you wanted. you walk to the first group which is a group of ladies. And soon you got to every group getting to know them quite well. You look for the last person noticing he's not on the first floor, where is that damn wolf.

You look up and see him near a corner unpacking equipment. Did he not want to get to know you? Oh well. He has to anyway, you laughed to yourself.

You walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder." legoshi? I was wondering if you had some questions that you would like to ask-" you were cut off by him hurriedly speaking up with "no I'm good, thank you".

You won't lie to yourself, you were quite shocked.You're used to people pestering you with questions and the fascination of you being human. But why wasn't he interested in you?

You couldn't see his face since his back was turned towards you as he crouched still unpacking. You lowered your hand and huffed to confirm you understand and walked away. You were a bit surprised but nothing you couldn't handle. You turned around to see him stop packaging and starting at the light equipment . Right?

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