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         The sound of hooves slamming against the ground echoed against the stone ground of the way leading to Illyrio's Manse. It didn't really soothe Viserys's anger, in fact, it prompted Leanne to put a hand on her husband's arm while gently hooking her other arm through his, she knew that the only way to calm Visery's anger was to allow him to show off his match with her in any shape or form.

         It didn't matter if Leanne hated her husband, nor if he beat her, in that moment they were about to meet Dany's possible new husband and Viserys having a temper would only ruin everything that he, himself had built and organized for that moment. So Leanne was willing to play dutiful and submissive wife for a few moments, in the eyes of the public so that everything went according to plan.

         Viserys might be a lot of things, but prideful would be one of the best words to describe the Targaryen King. Prideful of his marriage match, prideful of his rule, and prideful that he had a younger sister that he could sell like a common whore.

         The men that arrived on the horses looked nothing like the Targaryen's, in fact, they reminded Leanne of the people of Sunspear with their darker skin and dark hair. It aided slightly in remembering the girl from her childhood, but no face came to mind, at least none with a name she remembered.

         Illyrio walked down the stairs and towards the guests, his arms open wide and a cheery tone in his voice as he spoke to them, no doubt greeting them. 

         "May I present my honored guests, Viserys of House Targaryen, the third of his name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, his wife, Leanne of House Dayne, and his sister, Daenerys of House Targaryen." Illyrio introduced them.

         Leanne curtsied to them out of custom and the way she'd been brought up, while her husband merely stared at the men with a distant look on his face. It wasn't until Dany started to walk towards them that Viserys stopped her, keeping his arm hooked with Leanne's and grabbing Dany's wrist with his free hand.

         Leanne instantly looked at her husband sideways, worried about what he might say or what he might do. Fearful as her husband was unpredictable.

         Her glance didn't last long as she turned her eyes back to the savages that Viserys had reached out to. Her lavender gaze caught the sight of the man who was clearly the Chief, she watched his eyes shift between the three members of house Targaryen, watching them intently, almost as if analyzing them.

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