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         The walk to the front of Illyrio's Manse was a slow one as neither girl wanted to actually go through with this, hand in hand with their maids behind them and small smiles on their faces and they made small talk. Both Leanne and Viserys, and Daenerys's rooms were Targaryen themed with was a nice touch to their heritage, although Leanne wasn't from House Targaryen by birth, but rather by marriage.

         The conversation between the two sisters-by-law roamed along the range of Dany's wonders about her husband-to-be, due to the fact that she, who unlike Leanne, had never lived in the same palace as her betrothed-to-be, nor had she squalled with him or had him call her the most ugly creature he'd seen only to the following day gift her his most prized, a wooden dragon toy.

         Leanne could only do little to soothe Dany's worries, other than tell her that whatever savage her husband had chosen for his sister's lawful husband better accept her as his wife and treat her as if she is a gift from the gods themselves because should he deny her, or treat her with anything else other than respect, he will not have to worry about the wrath of the Viserys's Dragon, but rather the brute and white force of the House Dayne.

         Which in Dany's true and honest opinion was more terrifying.

         Before they realized, they had reached the front door of the Manse, something that was shown to them by the fact that Viserys was pacing before the doors, wearing a black and red, almost Valyrian armor-like outfit, a red almost shall on his back that was clasped in place by the same ornament as Dany's dress, a sword on his hip matching the look he was presenting.

         "There they are, the bride to be and my Queen." Viserys claimed extremely loudly once he saw them, his pacing ending as he turned to face them. Leanne had to let go of Dany's hand, unwillingly so as she didn't really want to go to her husband.

         Viserys greedily reached for her bruised waist, grabbing it in his waist and using it to pull Leanne to him. Daenerys adverted her eyes as Viserys kissed his wife, the image looking like he was trying to sloppily eat her face rather than kiss her, which she only got from seeing other people kiss.

         Leanne kissed her husband back, although her side of the kiss didn't have any passion, it never did. Viserys's side didn't have any passion either, but Leanne could feel the greediness in his kiss as it looked like he was attempting to eat her face off with the kiss.

         When the eldest of the Targaryen siblings finally pulled away from his wife with a satisfaction-filled smile on his bruised lips, Leanne shivered in disgust, lowering her eyes to the ground.

         "Alright, lest us join our gracious host in waiting for Daenery's husband-to-be." his voice wasn't as shrill as it usually was, which was surprising to the to women but simultaneously relieving as neither really wanted to hear it. He moved to stand beside Dany, wrapping an arm around her waist in a protective and demanding manner, his bony fingers digging into her covered skin once more.

         Danaerys looked as if she was about to be sick at the way her brother was holding her sister by law, and there seemed to be a look on her face that told Leanne that she was about to intervene or comment on it because Leanne simply turned her head to her, shooting her a look.

         This look Daenerys was all too familiar with, it was the look that Leanne gave her when Dany witnessed Viserys do something like this, something that hurt Leanne and something that Dany was sure to call him out on. 

         That is if Leanne wasn't around and if Viserys didn't scare her into backing out of it.

         Guards opened the front door of the Manse, showing the three of them along with the maids to everyone that was on the other side of the door. They stepped into the warm Essosi sun, basking their pale skins in its sunlight, the heat was something that they had grown used to due to living in Essos. 

         Illyrio instantly moved his dark eyes away from Leanne, his cheeks instantly turning red with colour, no doubt remembering the many times in which he walked into the couple's chambers, unaware, after being summoned by Viserys and being embarrassed by his lack of manners, even if it was his home.

         "You look wonderful, your Graces." He said in a low tone, the embarrassment he felt showing in his voice. He bowed at them, respect for loyalty being too grand and the fear for Viserys being even grander for him to forget his manners.

         "Thank you Master Illyrio, the dress is truly wonderful." Daenerys thanked the man, even if her brother had told her that he had done nothing more than his duty towards his King. Viserys turned to glare at his sister when he heard her words, having often told her that women were meant to be seen and not heard, but before he opened his mouth, Leanne placed a hand on his chest, an action she rarely did, even when they were sleeping. 

         But an action that instantly calmed the raging dragon within him.

         "Oh, you needn't thank me, Princess. Thank your brother, the King, for he was the one who chose the fabric and the colours of the dress the Queen and yourself are wearing. I did nothing but buy and bring them to you." Illyrio told Daenerys, bowing down at her with a kind smile on his lips. A completely different reaction that the one he had with Leanne, understandably so.

         "Where is he?" Viserys interrupted, annoyed that the man he had demanded Illyrio arrange for Dany to meet for marriage was not yet there. He had hoped that they were the ones making a grand entrance, as the Westerosi Royal Family and the Last of the Dragons, but instead, there were left waiting.

         "The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality." Illyrio told the King, turning to him and the Queen. His words displeased the King tremendously as he clenched his jaw and turned forward, muttering under his breath something about animals and something else that Leanne cannot understand.

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