Everyone was on the plane waiting to get to the ranch as soon as possible

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Everyone was on the plane waiting to get to the ranch as soon as possible. Melinda was flying the plane as per usual, seeing as not everyone can fly the planes they use at SHIELD, as Aaron played with Jack close by so she can watch with care. No one knew that the two were talking again and so it will be a big surprise for them. Derek, Hunter, and Mack were talking for probably the first time in a while, as Leopold added in every few minutes. Jemma was napping on Spencer's shoulder as he was reading a book. JJ was talking to Penelope, Emily, Yoyo, and Bobbi about shopping. Phil and David were talking about work as they drank wine. Henry was clinging to his mother's leg not liking planes and she would check on him every minute to make sure he was ok. Melinda had an idea for him and turned in her seat. "Henry! Come here!" Melinda called out making Henry look at his mother asking permission silently if he could go to her. JJ smiled at him and gently pushed him in her direction. He walked towards her way and when he got to her, she picked him up and sat him on her lap. He gasped when he saw the sky as she flew the plane. "Scared now?" Melinda asked and he shook his head as he continued to look at the sky. She looked back at JJ, who gave her a thankful look on her face, before beckoning Jack over. He ran and jumped onto her other knee to look at the sky as well. Everyone watched as the three were at the driver's seat gazing at the sky. Aaron had a smile on his face watching his girlfriend, now happy, with his son and coworker's kid. "When did you two reconnect?" David whispered and Aaron whispered back, "Yesterday. She was just jealous about the women I have kissed and I kissed her to cut her off. I didn't like what she was saying about herself. It made me upset that she thought of those things when they were all untrue. Yes, Hayley and Beth were younger than her, but Melinda and I are exactly the same age, so it makes this relationship much better." David patted his back, "I'm glad you both are back together. It was weird not seeing the two of you together." Aaron looked at him with a solemn smile, "I missed her."

Two Teams in One

The plane began to descend making everyone super excited to be at the ranch. Melinda landed the plane and opened the ramp for everyone to get off. Henry and Jack excitedly jumped off her lap and ran out of the plane. Aaron waited for Melinda to take her seat belt off to walk with her out of the plane. Once she got her seat belt off, she stood up and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders to keep close to her. She smiled at the action and leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked off. Jemma and Daisy smiled at their mentor being happy again. Everyone then realized how hot it was and took their jackets off. A man walked over making the SHIELD agents smile or look at with familiarity. Phil smiled at the man in greeting and held his hand out to shake, "Hi Nate." The man smiled and shook Phil's hand, "Phil, welcome. I'm glad you and everyone could come here for the week. We don't get much visitors." Phil smiled and gestured to his team that had mildly multiplied over the years, "Well, we have more people with us so we felt like this place will be great for a small vacation." Nate looked at everyone around his ranch and smiled out of greeting to them all. A woman and a teenage boy walked over. The woman wrapped her arm around Nate's shoulder and looked at everyone in front of them. "Hey everyone! Welcome back and to the ranch! I am Nancy, this is my son Tyler and you will soon meet our daughter Katie later on. Come! Come!" Nancy tells them all as Nancy and the family lead the team further out in the field from the plane. Melinda cloaked the plane, so no one can see it, as she followed everyone to the ranch. Jack grabbed her hand as he dragged her along with his dad. When they got to the ranch, Nancy gestured to his son, "Tyler will direct where all of you will be staying for the week. Nate and I will meet up with you guys later on. Just explore around here as much as you want while we figure out what we will start with when we are with you guys." Nancy and Nate walked away leaving the team with Tyler. He looked at the team with a smile as he was excited that they have guests here, but upset that his sister left early this morning before she could meet everyone. "Again, I am Tyler, and I will show where you guys are staying for the time being. You guys, who have not been here before, are in for a real treat! Follow me!" Tyler tells them as the team followed the teen to a big building that looked like a hotel. When they walked inside, the BAU team were all super shocked at the inside. Tyler smiled at their expressions before heading to the stairs and everyone followed him. They went to the top of the stairs and Tyler turned to look at all of them, "These are the rooms but some of you will have to go upstairs because there is not a lot of rooms." Aaron looked at him with an appreciative smile, "It's no problem." Tyler smiled, "Great. The rooms were set up by Phil so each of you will have to find your room." Derek smiled at the boy, "Thanks man!" Tyler smiled at them all before leaving the building as everyone searched for their rooms. Jack walked ahead of his father and Melinda and saw their room. He pointed at the door, making Aaron smile that his son found it for them, and then looked at the sign on top of the door. It wasn't just his and Jack's, but also Melinda's room, as well. He smiled at the woman that arrived next to him, making her return it and look at the sign as well. "Guess we're sharing a room." Aaron tells her and Melinda shrugged her shoulders and reminded him, "We've done it before." Aaron nodded as she was right, "Yeah, but the team are going to be really suspicious about us the next few days." She scoffed, "Let them say what they want, let's just have a good time." He smiled and kissed her head before opening the door for them to go in. They walked in and saw Jack heading straight for the bed in the center of the room. He giggled and jumped onto the bed, making Aaron smile in his direction as Melinda placed everything against the wall. Aaron walked over to Melinda and wrapped his arms around her waist before kissing her head again. "You're all over me today! What is up with you?" Melinda asks with wonder as he looked at her with admiration, "I just love you so much!" Melinda smiled at him and kissed him making him return it. They then heard fake gagging making them pull apart to see Jack still on the bed, but looking at them. Melinda chuckled and put her head into Aaron's chest and he wrapped his arms around her head while smiling at Jack. A knock on the door made Melinda pull away and walk to the door to open it. She opened the door to see David standing there with a smile on his face. "Hey!" David greeted them and Melinda greeted back confused, "Hey..?" David gestured behind him, "The team are going to the stables to look at the horses, you guys want to come?" Jack and Aaron appeared behind her and heard what he asked. Melinda looked behind her to see her boyfriend and the boy she called her son with curiosity. Aaron smiled and looked down at his son, "I think that would be fun. What do you think Jack?" Jack smiled and cheered, "Yeah!" Aaron smiled and then looked to Melinda with curiosity. She just shrugged her shoulders as an answer making him nod his head in understanding. David smirked at the way the two communicated silently to each other before leading the way to the stables. When they got there everyone on the team were there looking and petting the horses. Jack giggled and ran over to Henry, who was petting a miniature pony, and began to pet it as well. Aaron followed him to make sure he was safe as Melinda looked around at the horses. She reached her hand out to pet one and the horse nuzzled into her hand. She pet the horses nose and didn't realize that she was being watched by Nate and Nancy. They were whispering back and forth to each other and Leopold was the only one who seemed to notice. "Does she look familiar to you?" Nancy asks her husband and he looked at her with a nod, "Yeah, but where?" She shrugged and then remembered about her husband's brother's fascination with a woman that saved him in Panama. "I don't know. She looks like that woman that saved your brother in Panama." Nancy tells her husband making Nate look at Melinda and realize she was right. She did look like the woman that saved his brother in Panama. He had heard the story from his brother multiple times to the point that he had a drawn picture of her from his brother. He was so interested in how the woman saved his life and every other agents that were with him, that he became obsessed with knowing what she looked like and how she saved him. Nancy walked away to the woman, who was petting horses and keeping watch out for her team, and then smiled at her. "Excuse me? I have a question I must ask of you." Nancy told the stoic woman as Melinda looked at her with confusion written on her face and stopped petting the horse. She turned to the woman in front of her and waited for her to ask the question. Some of the team, who were close by and that could hear what they say, looked in the direction of the two women. "Are you the woman from Panama? The woman that saved a bunch of field agents?" Nancy asked her and Melinda's eyes widened at the questions she was just asked and it was very new to her that she was asked as if she was a celebrity. She just nodded her head as an answer seeing as she couldn't form any words to come out of her mouth. Nancy gasped and covered her mouth, making Melinda confused. "Really?" Nancy asked shocked and Melinda nodded again making Nancy smile with glee. She was uncomfortable with all the attention she was receiving, and the fact that Nancy had grabbed her wrist made it even more uncomfortable. "You see, my husband's brother, Jeremy, was one of those agents that you saved and he idolized you for a long time to the point he wanted to figure out what you look like and we managed to get his mind off of you when he got married. He just hoped he could've met you before he died." Nancy informs her as Melinda tried to recall her past. It was difficult for her because she didn't like her past that much but she did manage to remember him and nodded. "I remember seeing him. He helped rescue people that were under control and then ended up under control himself. Wish I could have met him and give him his wish." Melinda told her sincerely. Nancy smiled like she had met a famous celebrity before wanting to go back to her husband. "Thank you. Have a good day!" Nancy told her with a smile. Nancy and Nate walked away together as she told him what they talked about. Aaron walked over to Melinda and pulled her into his arms. He brought his mouth close to her ear and whispered so no one could hear them, "What did she say?" Melinda looked at him and began to whisper back, "She wanted to know if I was the woman from Bahrain. I told her I was and she told me that Nate's brother was one of the agents I had saved." He looked at her shocked, "Really?" Melinda nodded as he rubbed her arm to relax her from some stress that she gained from talking to Nancy. She sighed as she was now relaxed and leaned her head on his arm, making him pull her as close as he could to him. The team, that didn't know that the couple were back together again, smiled and cooed with glee.

 The team, that didn't know that the couple were back together again, smiled and cooed with glee

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Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now