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• Ellie POV •

• 2 weeks later •

I look at myself in the mirror. I didn't really make an effort. Just a pair of black leggings, an old jumper I found in my wardrobe, light makeup and my hair has a bandana I stole from Ashton in (buhahaha).

I grab my suitcase and struggle to walk downstairs, due to it's heaviness.

"Bye Dad, bye Diana." I say, hugging my father and older sister.

"Bye!" They both say enthusiastically.

Wow, they're really happy for me leaving here...

I crack a small smile and exit the house.

I get out of my Mum's car and knock on the Cliffords' house. Karen answers the door and a split second later Michael joins her.

"Hey." Michael says nonchalantly, pushing a hand through his hair.

"Hello Ellie!" Karen smiles, before shouting, "CHARLOTTE GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

I shuffle my feet awkwardly before stomps were heard from the stairs.

Charlotte came to the door strugglig with her luggage, Daryl followed her.

"Hey El!" She says before her and Mikey hug their parents and follow me to my mums car.

I get in the front seat and my mum manages to say hello before Michael and Charlotte start arguing in the back about where Michael's going to meet Luke. I roll my eyes and rest my feet on the black plastic bit in front of me, but my mum instantly swats them off. I pout at her and then look out the window.

I can put up with the boys for a week, right? I mean, they're okay. It's just that they can be idiotic at times...

"Okay, bye." I say after hugging my mum and closing the car door.

"Can you come with me to find Luke?" Michael suddenly bursts out.

"Sure..." I say.

"Why?" Char questions.

"Because, if he's not there, I don't want to be on my own..." Michael mumbles.

I let a little giggle escape my lips, before covering my mouth with my hand when Michael shoots me a glare. He walks off and me and Charlottle follow him like lost puppies.

After we looked around the school grounds for a bit we found Luke at the edge of the field.

"Hey guys." Luke says smoothly, fiddling with the handle of his suitcase.

"Hey dude!" Michael says.

"Hi Luke." I smile and Charlotte just waves.

I hear one of the entrances to the inside of the school open and Calum and Ashton's voices.

"No, she's a nice-" Ashton starts.

"Look, Michael is here!" Calum interrupts. "Also Charlotte and Ellie."

I look round to see the two tall boys run towards us.

"Hey partner!" Calum says, linking my arm with his. I jolt at the sudden touch and say hi back.

"Hey guys." Ashton says handing Luke and Michael a coffee.

"Where did you get those?" Charlotte asks Ashton. It was then when I un-link our arms, trying my hardest not to seem rude.

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