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The Y/L/Ns and the Blacks were one in the same, same views and the same cold interior with an expensive and lavish exterior.

They each treated their heirs the same, with an austere and antediluvian approach. The heirs were taught sophistication, elegance, poise, arrogance, narcissism, and social superiority. They were exposed to pain, death, and murder in their early years and it could only go downhill from such.

And so, two of the heirs met one day, and every meeting after they grew close. Built a bond held together with pain and understanding. They hid from the cruel world that surrounded them and protected each other.



His arrogance had increased to outrageous levels. He had always been a bit arrogant, but it was a part of his personality and I always used to find it hilarious. Now though, he was a complete narcissist.

He also was blinded by the stereotypes that come with the territory. He of all people should understand, he used to.

I found a secluded spot in the library and sat down, pulling out my book, before I could start somebody sat next to me. Remus smiled kindly and I gave him a puzzled look back, "did you need something?" I question, looking around, worried his friends were with him.

"No," he says calmly, "I just thought I'd sit with you." I furrow my eyebrows and try to search my mind for the proper social etiquette, but instead, the opposite comes out.

"If this is about what happened, you do not need to be nice just because you think it was your fault," I say fast and in a monotonous voice, completely factual.

He seems taken aback and unsure of how to respond, before speaking slowly, "I just saw you here and thought we could be friends."

I tilt my head, "how?" I don't understand how a Gryffindor, who happens to be one-fourth of the infamous pranksters, could be friends with a pureblood Slytherin raised on blood purity values. "I have a class now."

"Um," he began, flustered, but I disappeared too fast.

Sirius' POV

"So, Y/N is a bit aloof." I looked up, puzzled, Remus sat down next to me on the Gryffindor common room couch, "Not very friendly is she?"

I sigh, annoyed, "she doesn't know how to interact with anyone outside of her bubble," I mutter, before irritatedly stating, "but I don't know her."

"But you do." He replies and I glare at him, "tell me about Y/M/N then."

I purse my lips, "why do you need to know about her Moony?"

"I infected her."

"Fine, Y/M/N and I kept each other sane." I wasn't sure how to tell him anything, it wasn't something you just talked about. He tilts his head, "she had this way of making us invisible from our families and completely distracting me from the horror that could be happening just a room away."

"And why are you so insistent upon the fact that she isn't Y/M/N?"

"She's different," I say flatly.

"You are just upset she is a Slytherin."

"I mean, look at them all," I grumbled.

Remus shot a scoff out his nose, "do you hear yourself right now?"

Frustrations growing I stand quickly, throwing my bag on my shoulder, "you don't know her as I do!"

"So you admit you know her!" Remus shoots an accusatory finger in my direction.

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