The Veil

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Most of my stories start as OC stories so say something if there are any specific details accidentally left in. Your character liked the middle name better as a kid so that's Y/M/N))

All my life it feels like there has always been this veil of darkness covering my eyes. It tints the world an ugly dark color so you can't help, but frown permanently. The deepest color I see is the crimson red that is forced from its regular flow through the human circulatory system all too often in my vicinity. The brightest I see is that unforgiving flash of green signaling the loss of life by the hands of people I'm forced to be around.

I was apprehensive about going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with my family's long line of Slytherins it was expected where I was placed. When the hat was placed upon my head I immediately wished it to place me where I am truly meant to be, not taking into account my family bloodline. It wasn't surprising, I really am a Slytherin. And as I went through school as a Slytherin it seems my initial feelings were understandable.

Slytherins are not well-liked. Everyone assumes you're into the dark arts and all the traditional pureblood rituals and crap, that may have been true of my family, but not me. Nobody gives you a chance, not Gryffindors and we all know why, Ravenclaws seem to give acceptance with an air of forcefulness as if it's expected, and the Hufflepuffs always seem unsure, and some scared. I shouldn't group them like that like they are all the same, but these days, in these war-ridden days, it seems the safest thing to do. This is why I don't mind their suspicions. I wouldn't mind some real friends though.

It is now the fifth year, 1975, at 11:30 p.m. It's still September and all month I have been leaving the school during the night to wander the grounds and I must've been feeling particularly dim because I am in the forbidden forest. I'm not scared, though it would be perfectly logical. I am scarier than most, not all, of the creatures in this forbidden, meaning students cannot go in, forest.

You see, in a way, I was forced to find a way to disappear at certain times from my family. I had to or it would've gotten worse. I became an animagus and oddly enough I am a wolf.

This is better than stuffy and all too elegant Slytherin dorm rooms. I hear a loud thump, a howl, and a bark, which is definitely a weird combination, but I try to ignore it.

I slow slightly when more howling sounds and manage to continue until a human scream sounds. My body straightens, ears perking, I sniff. Another scream sounds, and a howl after, so I break out into a run body changing to my wolf form. A werewolf, poor thing, if he's one of the good ones. The werewolf was trying to attack a couple of students, two girls, probably in here, on a dare to see how far they could go. A black dog was barking and trying to keep the werewolf back but wasn't hurting it, the werewolf slashed at the dog, and it flys back into a tree. The werewolf advances on the girls and I jump in front of them, growling at the werewolf.

The werewolf growls and I hear the girls run away to the castle. The werewolf tries to run after them, but I jump in front of it growling again. It slashes at my shoulder, but I ignore the pain and stand on all fours in front of it again. This time though the dog bites my neck, just enough to draw blood. It pulls back and barks until I get the hint and run off back to the castle.

I woke up the next day sore and hoping I did the healing charms correctly. There is no sign of injuries unless you look close enough to see my arm is completely limp, that healing charm went wrong. It should wear off. I refuse to go to Madam Pomfrey. You can barely see the mark of a faded bite on my neck.

I drag myself to Transfiguration, taking a far seat next to the large window. Unfortunately, it's a class with Gryffindors. Oh, my favorite, I thought dully. It's not that I don't like them, it's just usually the most trouble happens with them. We are twenty minutes into class when three of the marauders burst in. Anyone in the room could hear Mcgonagall's audible sigh, "Alright, thank you for joining the class, now if Mr. Black would take a seat in the back, and Mr. Potter by Ms. Mckinnon, and Mr. Pettigrew in the front."

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