Chapter 1: Detention

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Jisung shuffled hesitantly down the barron hallways of Miroh High School. Head down, hands shaking slightly with the anxiety of just having been sent to the principal's office.

Han Jisung lived in Gimpo, South Korea. That's one basic fact about Jisung. There are many others, like, Jisung has freshly dyed chestnut brown hair, slightly below average height for a sixteen-year-old. He'd never admit it, though, and he also had one best friend. That's all he needs. There's another thing about Jisung that not many others, well hopefully no one else, knows of. It happens to be why Jisung ended up in Gimpo in the first place.

Jisung hesitantly opened the door to the principal's office, a room he was no stranger to. Mr. Park was waiting behind his desk, typing something on his computer. Mr. Park was a young man who must have got the worst luck of all time to get a principal's job at his age. Jisung didn't like Mr. Park. Partially because of Mr. Park himself but mainly because his anxiety spiked up when he was supposedly in 'trouble,' Jisung doesn't have many fond memories of the man.

It was the third time that month that Jisung had been called to Mr. Park's office, and it was only the 20th.

"If I recall correctly, this is the third time you have given me a visit, Mr. Han?"

Jisung stood by the doorway of the claustrophobic space, itching to get away and back to his biology class, which probably wouldn't do him any better if he was being honest. Jisung didn't know what to do, Mr. Park often asked questions he already knew the answer to, but Jisung still gave a slight nod, eyes seeming to have a staring contest with the floor.

Jisung shouldn't even be here. It was the third time that month that Seo Changbin and his friends had locked him in his locker. The janitor had found him upside down, about to pass out before being sent to the principal's office.

Seo Changbin was a senior and a bit shorter than Jisung himself but was built like a truck. Changbin had biceps the size of watermelons and was not afraid to use them. And for some reason, Changbin has found Jisung to be his favorite junior, maybe favorite student, to pick on. Jisung doesn't know what he did to him, but Changbin and his two friends, Wooyoung and Yeonjun, decided that Jisung had been the next in line for a beating.

Jisung's attention was brought back to the room when Mr. Park cleared his throat, "I see."

"But sir, it's not my fault. They shoved me in upside down. T-there were three of them, and they're way bigger than me." Jisung stuttered, trying to defend himself. He knew it was no hope, but he tried; Mr. Park took his new job very seriously and seemed to favor punishing the victim.

It might just be a Jisung thing. He wouldn't be surprised. He'd said some things in the past. One time in his history class, when they were covering Greek Mythology, specifically Medusa, about how she could turn people to stone, Jisung stuttered out, 'like Mr. Park.' It got laughs from everyone in the classroom, and Jisung was hoping that would put him, as the new student, on people's good side. Unfortunately, Mr. Park had decided that was the perfect time to stop by their classroom. He was not laughing.

"Mr. Han, you realize you cannot be stuffed into your own locker without your consent," Mr. Park kept his eyes on his computer, typing away as usual.

That must have been the stupidest thing Jisung has ever heard, "I'm sorry, what?"

"You should have pushed away and resisted."

That's like blaming someone for getting struck by lightning by saying they were in the way.

Jisung looked up to Mr. Park, "But I tried, sir."

"You clearly didn't try hard enough. Now, who were these boys that pushed you in these lockers?" Jisung knew that Mr. Park knew. Changbin had stuffed more people in his lockers than textbooks. And there was no way he was telling on Changbin. He didn't want to be dead before 18.

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