Falling In Love With The Professor - 9

Start from the beginning

Neil - Whatever I am saying, I am speaking from my heart
I really love you and not from today but from the day I saw you in class for the first time

Avni sees him. and Neil continues his talk

Neil - On seeing you, I realized that I have found someone of my own but..

Avni - But what ?

Neil - But I could not say anything to you on that day or in these one year even if I wanted to because....

Avni - because what ? If you love me then why didn't you tell me in this one year and on the contrary used to insult me ​​every day in front of everyone and used to scold every day, do you call it love? ( she said all this.. and after saying all this she slightly pouts )

Neil looks at her and speaks

Neil - I had some reasons Avni because of which I used to treat you like that..

Avni - kaise reasons? what happened today, how suddenly did you fall in love with me so much?

Neil - I'm sorry forgive me but believe me I really love you...

Avni smiles on hearing this and says

Avni - I trust you but But now you will not back down from your words, will you? Won't you say again that you don't love me like you said last night?

Hearing this, Neil moves towards Avni and comes closer to her.. Avni sees him and does not even move from her place.

Neil - never... I love you and you love me and now both of us will never talk about being away from each other...
And even if you would like, I will not let you go away now, that's why forget your stupid professor's words for once and give me my comfort....( Saying this, he pulls her in his arms and hugs her and Avni closes her eyes by placing her head on her chest )

Then both of them stay together like this for a while then both of them separate and then Neil tells her about his insecurities why he is treated her like that Because he did not want that Avni should be accused of any wrong or someone would say any bad words because of him... Because people see and think about the relationship between a professor and a student in a wrong way,,, But today when she was about to go away from him, he could not tolerate it any more and he said all this today.
At the same time, he also tells her that he does not like anyone to come near her because now there is only she is in his life and he does not want to lose her.

After Knowing all these things of her, she also tells him the whole thing in her heart that she too had fallen in love with him at first sight and she also does not like any girl near him...She gets jealous easily when any girl student gets close to him and other things that she feels for Neil she tells all to Neil.

Neil tells her that he was very happy when she confessed her love to him but he could not answer her even if he wanted to.

And saying all this, Neil's eyes were filled with tears, then Avni wipes his tears and tells him that, let whatever happened happened, now both will not talk about the past and will live their present and make their tomorrow better.

After talking all these things, both of them sit opposite each other in Neil's room on his bed, and both of them keep looking at each other, then Neil looks at her and moves closer to her

Avni looks at him and Neil kisses her forehead without saying anything... Avni closes her eyes feeling his lips on her skin And then she opens her eyes and sees Neil and Neil gives her a smile and says

Neil - Well I think now you should go from here, we have been here together for a long time, someone will come

Avni - ok but after one thing i will leave from here

Neil - what ?

Avni - I want my kiss back...( she said with mischievous smile)

Neil frown hearing her words

Avni - Remember, I kissed you on your cheek on the roof of the college, so now I want that kiss back... (She says showing her cheek to Neil...)

Neil's eyes widen for a second after hearing Avni's words, but when he notices Avni's mischievous smile, he thinks and speaks

Neil - What if I don't return?

Avni looks at him and pouts which brings a smile on Neil's face.

Avni - huh, I am going... bye (saying this she gets up from the bed to leave the room But Neil holds her hand to stop her but inadvertently he pulls her towards him due to which Avni falls on her on the bed)

Both look at each other, Neil removes her hair from her face which is disturbing his view.
Both look at each other lovingly, and in one swift move, Neil takes Avni under him and himself comes on top of her but does not put his weight on her.

Neil looks at her smiling and speaks caressing her hair

Neil - You know how cute you look when you pout like this angrily?

Hearing this she again pouts angrily

Neil smiles and leans towards her and kisses her cheek taking his own time... Avni shivered & closes her eyes

Neil also kisses her other cheek and unknowingly Avni's hand goes on his shoulder.

Neil sees her face that her eyes are closed, he smiles and then his gaze moves to her lips but he does not move but only stare at her

Not feeling any movement from his side, Avni opens her eyes and sees Neil is staring her.

She gesture to him with her eyes and asks what happened, to which he answers in nothing, shaking his head

Avni - I must go now..

Neil - hmm

Saying this he moves from her and Avni gets up from the bed... Both look at each other and unwantedly Avni turns towards the door to go out.

She doesn't feel like leaving him at this time...
Had they not had a professor-student relationship, then perhaps both of them would have been able to enjoy their this moment When both have expressed their love to each other but both of them are in such a place where they cannot spend time together even if they want.

Avni takes her steps to go but Neil again holds her hand...
Avni turns towards him and neil sees her and pulls her towards him and once again hugs her vigorously which Avni also reciprocates.

To be continued........

I hope you all liked it ?

And I'm sorry for the late update...
Due to the offline college and studies I am getting very less time to write and update.. really sorry to all those who wait for my story.

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