Hitman's Dairy:Screenplay

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                                                                              A Hitman's Dairy



Fade In:



Momma Butter

My dearest boy, I'm sorry I couldn't see you grow up and become a fine young jug, just remember what I've taught you and be a good butter. I'll be passing soon and going to Dairy Heaven, maybe I'll see you there someday...

Dexter Dairy

No Momma please, don't go. I still need you. I'll expire without you

Her eyes turn to x's. Dexter starts crying but eventually heaves a deep breath.

Momma...I'll make you proud...I'll make you proud

Dexter packs up his things and runs away

Goodbye Mama

Fade Out:

Fade In:


Dexter Dairy

After Momma died, I didn't know what to do with myself.I was a broken dairy so lost in this CowForsaken world, n' my only pasture was to join the mafia. It was hard being the calf of the gang but I worked my butter off to climb those ranks an' earn a little respect for myself. (VO)

Dexter stands broodingly, looking over a cityscape.

This is my last job...one last job to finish this milky career. It's an' easy gig, assassinate a small-time politician that churned the boss, clean up, n' get paid.

He jumps down and the scene transitions

Dexter stands in front of a wide desk, the office chair is turned around but Dexter is sure the politician is in the seat.

Dexter Dairy

Any last words?

He points his gun at the back of the seat. The movement spins the chair around to reveal not the politician but another milk pointing a gun right at Dexter


Do you?

Jojo music plays...

Fade Out:

the end

Plot: Hitman Milk; his last job is to assassinate his corrupt friend

TW: assassination, (cartoon) Guns

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