Chapter 14: Angela Julian Turner

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Sheila was close to her due date and she had planned with Patick the birth she wanted to be at home in her own bed and Patrick wanted to be there the whole time he wasn't going to leave Sheila with Sister Julian they were sat in the bedroom and Sheila looks at Patrick luckily they had prepared the bed "my waters broke Patrick" Sheila said and he looked at her "Are you sure?" He asked and she nodded this wasn't a drill its happening Patrick phoned Nonnatus house and Sister Julian was on her way and Patrick went back to Sheila and held her hand "It's okay I'll be here the whole time love" Partick said and she smiled holding his hands as she felt the contractions coming and she winced and Partick held her "Breathe Sheila" he told her and she panted it seemed these contractions are already 5 minutes apart this baby is eager to come into the world Sheila had to hold off pushing even though she felt the need too and she rested her head on Patrick and Patrick smiled "I can give you gas and air love if you want it" Sheila looked at him and nodded and he got up and gave her the mask and she breathed through it and he kissed her head and rubbed her back "Where on earth is the sister?" He asked "She should of been here by now" Sheila said struggling not to push Patrick looked at Sheila and sighed "Sheila we're going to have to do this without her because the baby will die otherwise" Patrick said and Sheila nodded and got herself into position and started to push and the baby came out within two pushes it was very quick Patrick wrapped the baby up as she cried and he handed her to Sheila and smiled and whispered "We have a daughter my love" Sheila smiled "A daughter" she said stroking her cheek "Our Angel" Patrick said "Angela Julian" Sheila said "Angela Julian?" Patrick asked "Her name it shall be Angela Julian Turner" she said smiling and Patrick smiled too and Sister Julian came in "I'm here" she said "So is Angela" Partick said "She was eager to see the world" Sheila said holding her daughter and Patrick looking at his two girls lovingly Sister Julian realised she was no longer needed but stayed anyway.


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