Chapter 2

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There she is, Adelia. My daughter that I had to give up 12 years ago. Scarlett and mine.

We gave her up because our career just took off at that time and thinking we could handle a baby while filming and everything at that time. But we never have time for her anymore and Scarlett and I grew apart because of our work distance.

So, we've come to a decision to give her up. No, it's not my decision actually. It was Scarlett. I've never wanted to be apart from my baby girl. My bubba but nevertheless I agree with Scarlett thinking it was for the best at that time for Adelia to grow up normally.

We gave her to our close friends, Lisa and Aaron. We met them at the bar in our drunken nights back from filming our first movie and that's when Adelia was conceived actually.

Lisa and Aaron had a son at that time. 2 years older than Adelia.

It was the most regretful thing I've ever done in my life. Giving her up.

I've done everything I could to keep Adelia but Scarlett convinces me that our family deserves a break from taking care of a baby. though, my family was actually against the idea. They love Adelia so freaking much.

But Scarlett and I still check up on Adelia every month. Until it turns out to be a check- up on Adelia every year. Well, for Scarlett. I still check her up every month. I need to know about my baby girl growth

Scarlett and I still continued our friendship though after everything that has happened. I still have feelings for her. I've tried to get rid of those feelings but it didn't work. So, I just bare with it until 5 years ago when she got married to Romain and got a baby girl named Rose. That's when I knew, I'll never stand a chance with her.

I was heartbroken when she got married. And since then, we have fallen apart. Didn't acknowledge each other much even though we were filming in the same movies.

A year later after Rose was born, Scarlett got divorce with Romain and she took joint custody with Romain for Rose. And it somehow makes me mad over the fact that she could give Rose everything while our daughter was not.

And 2 years later, she's with this guy from SNL, Colin Jost.

Yeah, I'll never stand a chance on her at all.

And enough about the past, time to focus on Adelia back.

She was performing at Oscar for the first time and coming back to work after her 4 years of disappearance after the accident.

I've visited her when she's in the hospital. Always. But after she was discharged from the hospital, Lisa took her somewhere that nobody knows, even me. She just texted me from time to time to give an update about Adelia which is always 'She's coping. She's okay'

And today, I saw her performing for the first time and saw her growing up to be a teenage girl.

She has the same hair like Scarlett, Scarlett eyes but when she smiles, it's all me. Her lips, her curly eyelashes. It's all me.

Also, her beautiful voice must've got it from Scarlett.

We're sitting at the table coincidentally next to her table. I see there's Lisa, Sandra Bullock, John Krasinski and his wife, Cate Blanchett and her husband and Lizzie.

Lizzie was supposed to sit with us, the avengers but the EO changed it. I know Lizzie and my daughter know each other way back then because I followed everything about my daughter's journey. I watched every movie she's in.

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