-{Bakugou Katsuki}-

18 2 0

subject: Period Comfort

Pronouns: She/Her

TW: Blood (obv) yelling (Because bakugou) swearing (Also because bakugou) 


You had a long week of course you did hero work was a lot and since your climbing the charts your expected to do more. You were sitting at your desk all day to catch up on reports and then half way through you realised you started your period. Not only did you not have any pads/Tampons, and were having bad cramps plus mood swings you leaked through your white jeans/sweatpants/pants/leggings  you just so happened to wear that day. so you were so happy to be able to go home you wrapped Bakugou's hoodie around your waist and drove home as quickly as you could without breaking the law.

--Small time skip at home--

As soon as you opened the door you were greeted with the lovely sight of your boyfriend Bakugou sitting on the couch of your shared apartment. Even though you loved the sight you kicked off your shoes and ran to the room as quickly as possible. As your wonderful luck would have it (sarcasm) Bakugou already seen you and was mad that you never even said hello and gave him a kiss on the cheek like you normally do. 

Bakugou caught your wrist as you were running past him to get to the bedroom and started to yell "IDIOT WHY DIDN'T YOU EVEN SAY HELLO TO ME?" he was about to continue yelling but then he looked at you, you had tears in your eyes a blood stain on your bottom and looked like you were in pain Bakugou's gaze immediately softened his gaze "Idiot are you okay" He spoke softly while pulling you into a hug "do you need anything?"

 You embarrassed because you didn't want him to see that said "Yeah" looking away and blushing you continued "Can you let me go please. This is embarrassing"  Bakugou was confused why you were embarrassed but let you go anyway. You quickly ran to the bedroom with and attached bathroom to take a shower.

--Time skip to after the Shower--

You walked into your shared bedroom right after getting out from the shower dressed in your comfy pj's now with period undies and didn't see bakugou so you searched for him he wasn't there. 

When you walked into the kitchen again you hear the front door open. You walked fast to the front door (You actually ran but didn't want to admit that) and there was Bakugou with a reusable bag in his hand ( Save the turtles sksksksks) when he saw you he spoke "I got you shark week products" you lightly giggled at the name he calls it and yon swore you saw a small simle on bakugous face but it was as gone as soon as you saw it. "Here dumb ass" He through the bag at you and walked off. 

You looked in the bag and immediately you smiled from ear to ear and giggled. In the bag there was Pads/tampons (Or whatever you use)  chocolate, chicken nuggets (or whatever fast food you like) and a small teddy bear key-chain. 

You walked in the room where bakugou was and what you saw surprised you there your tough and rough boyfriend was sitting on the bed with a movie opened, lights off, (F/C) led lights on and a bowl of popcorn in his hand. how he did that so quick you have not idea. When he saw you he opened his arms after putting the popcorn on the nightstand and you jumped in his arms mutter thank you over and over again. "Teddy bear you don't have to say thank you. I noticed you had a long week with hell's week on top of it i want you to be comfortable" bakugou muttered blushing from the praise.

With that you spent the rest of the night cuddling, laughing, watching the movie, eating then ending the night with a much needed rest.



I hope this is good for my first one-shot sorry its so short!

Have a nice Day/ night remember to take you meds drink lots of water and eat! maybe even take a break creator loves you!

Words: 692



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