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kalea stephens was born in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. she moved to ottawa, canada at age 5 due to her mother's job.

while living in canada, she became close friends with a boy named caleb. caleb kuwonu. She would spend some of her free days at his house, playing around with his older sister kekéli.

seeing as she is 3 years older than the two, kalea was fascinated by the simple fact that she was older than the them

of course, like kids, the inseperable pair would always fight over the smallest things, making either caleb or kalea have to apologize. and of course, like kids, the pair would be playing once more like nothing happened.

after about 4 years, kalea and her mother were forced to move out of canada because of her job. the day they were leaving, that entire week actually, the kids cried while holding eachother in a bear hug. right before kalea left for good, she hugged kekéli and told the siblings
"please dont forget me"
as she walked off to her mother

when they arrived to their new home in boston, massachussets, kalea walked around the furnished area and looked disappointed. little did she know who she would meet at her new school

when she arrived at school, she was scared and nervous like any other kid would be. at lunch, two girls who are a year older than her, went to sit with her. to this day they remain best friends, closer than ever. her best friends named nerea seavey and tiffany bleu.

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