"They were only letting immediate family inside, I had to see you. It was a spur of the moment." Her cheeks heated up, making me laugh.

I winced and gripped my side at the sudden pain. "I wouldn't mind if the spur moment lasted a life-time." I mumble, stroking my thumb over her bottom lip.

If only I wasn't bed bound right now...

"Come here." I mumble, closing the gap between us, feeling a sudden sense of instant relief as my lips touched hers.

The short-lived moment was cut as the doctor re-entered the room, making me roll my eyes.

"Behave." Payton mouthed to me as she moved back onto the chair beside my bed, still holding onto my hand.

"Well Mr Johnson. I have double checked your levels and your heart rate seems steady. I'm more than happy to discharge you if you feel comfortable enough to go home at this point. I'll be placing you on a six week prescription to help with your blood flow and to keep your heart-rate steady. That's ready for collection at the front desk. Unless you have any questions, sign here and we'll get you on your way."

I nod and grab the pen, signing my name on the dotted line and carefully sat up in the bed.

"We'll send a wheelchair to help you downstairs. I'll leave you both to get ready." The doctor smiled and closed the door behind him.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and watch as Payton grabbed my clothes from a black bag she must've brought in with her.

"I got you some joggers and a sweatshirt. Are you okay to dress yourself?" She asked simple-mindedly and I sent back a smirk.

"Ohh I don't know.. I might need some help." I wiggle my eyebrows as I licked my bottom lip, letting my eyes trail over her body.

"Is there ever a time where you're not thinking with your dick?" She laughed and I shrugged innocently.

"Can't help it if my wife is too beautiful for her own good." I tease again, making her launch a pair of socks at my head.

Eventually, after a little more teasing of course, I managed to get dressed with a little help from Payton and moved into a wheelchair that one of the doctors brought up and was being wheeled out of the hospital by Payton.

Like the Saint she is, Payton helped me into the car and took the chair back into the hospital and collected my medication before getting into the car and drove us home.

By the time we got home, it was dark outside, but Ryan's car was still in the driveway. "Hey.. what do you think is with Ryan and Lola?" I pointed out making Payton look at me.

"I think they're a thing but neither of them will admit it to me." She pouted like a scowlded child, making me laugh.

"They'll figure out. We did, right?" I smile at her flushed cheeks, leaning over to kiss them. She jumped out to grab my wheelchair and helped me from the car inside the house.

I hope I'm not stuck in this thing for long, I fucking hate it. My ass goes numb within 5 minutes.

"Daddy!" Skylar sqeauled with ice-cream covering her mouth as she ran and launched herself at me. I try to hide my pain as she situated herself on my lap.

"Sweetpea, come here. Daddy is a little sore, so we need to be extra careful." Payton smiled and lifted Skylar from my lap and onto her hip after I gave her a quick kiss on the head.

"Sorry Daddy." Skylar frowned as she curled her head upon Payton's shoulder.

"Don't pout baby girl. Daddy's okay." I grab her little hand and pressed it to my lips, giving her a smile for reassurance.

"Where's your brother?" I ask, my question quickly being answered when I saw Ryan fall onto the floor and a mini-sized spiderman jump on his side.

"Try and escape the mighty web now, bootyhead!" Liam extended his hand out, shooting what I thought was an imaginary web, but I laugh when I realised the costume came with a built-in machine that extracted silly string for the webs, covering Ryan's head.

"Just wait til your 18th birthday. Paybacks a bitch." Ryan groaned at the impact that came with Liam jumping on him, making everyone laugh.

"Language." Both Payton and I warned, laughing slightly.

I looked up towards Payton, my heart fluttering as I saw a near-sleeping Skylar cuddling in close to Payton's neck as she rubbed her back soothingly.

"I think this little princess is done for the night." Payton mumbled, kissing her head before patting my shoulder, signalling she was gonna take her to bed.

I stare as Payton walked up the stairs, rocking Skylar in her arms before she disappeared from my sights.

"You can stop staring, lover boy. It gets creepy when you're smiling like that." Lola smirked and grabbed Liam's hand to help Payton get them ready for bed.

"G'night Dad." Liam spoke through a yawn and dragged his legs up the stair.

"Goodnight buddy. I love you." I shout back, receiving the same in return before I pushed the wheels of my chair into the kitchen.

"So have you told her yet?" Ryan asked as he handed me a bottle of water. I silently thanked him and undid the cap.

"Told who what?" I ask, taking a well needed drink. "Told Payton that you love her, dumbass." As he finishes his sentence, I choke, caught off-guard by his question.

"What are you on about?"

"Oh please, everyone, their nan and distant releatives can tell how much you're in love with the woman just by looking at you. I haven't seen you this happy since the twins were born." Ryan admitted truthfully as I looked down at my water.

"I don't even know if she feels the same way as I do."

Did she feel the same? I couldn't deny it. Even Ryan could see. I am absolutely smitten with that girl. And I'm not even afraid to admit to myself... I do love her.

"It's like Captain Obvious is in the fucking room with you two. Even Lola can't shut up about how you and Payton are such the perfect couple." I paused in thought for a moment.

I couldn't see my life without her anymore. Every morning I woke up to her face, I wished it was a dream I'd never awaken from.

"I'll gonna tell her. I'll tell Payton tonight." I tell Ryan, a wide grin spreading across my face.

"Tell me what?"

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