1. Broken

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Hello welcome to my story yes I'm writing another one but I have this idea which would be easier for me to write so maybe drop a comment and a like if you like it so far and I will continue, thanks a billion for showing your love ♥️.

1. Broken

I always assumed that what soon followed after saying I love you was sex but not for me

"We need to take a break" I snapped at him

I blinked once and then I blinked twice my mouth still in a straight line

"what do you mean a break?" he rolled his eyes and grabbed my head and squeezed it slightly "I've been cheating on you anyway"

I was stunned by what he said, I wanted to lay down before I could, he smacked me across the face making me scream in pain

"you deserve what is coming to you" he growled tossing me across the room and he beat me.

I know it's a bit brutal but that's why he stayed with me because I kept coming back because I was lonely and I missed him, maybe I could do without the beatings, but you can't choose who you're with

He left me there, a shell of a woman, slowly got me up and fell back down

Goodbye you abusive 'A' hole, Hello being lonely again

"Hello?" an unfamiliar voice said before he found my bloody body on the floor

"are you OK? what happened?" he asked, his arms tensed before I slowly felt very sickly and I threw up on his shirt he didn't care about the vomit "what happened?" his voice low and he was putting pressure on the gash in my forehead

"my----ex---be---beat--- me, like always" I tried to tell him "why?" he asked "because I broke up with him" I stated matter of factly

"oh, you're with Max, he always had a temper," he said asked, he knew him

Yeah, he knew him, Max, what an Ass, hole, I slowly got up and looked down to see his face

But he was already standing, holding pressure on my head "you could have warned me, Amber" my name slid from his mouth in a whisper, his hushed tone seemed to relax me almost instantly,

His arms wrapped around me and he slowly brought me to the bathroom

"OK, let me see" he whispered before he sat me down and pushed my hair out of my face

"there you are" he smiled, I couldn't see his face as my eyes were swollen slightly but I could tell he was smiling

"what's your name?" I asked, he laughed slightly

"Mike Flanagan," he said softly before I passed out.

Wow isn't this a shocker, I'm already done, thank you so much for reading ♥️ and showing your love in the comments.

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