Spiderman 4 Without Fear: The start of a new day

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Peter walked into his new home, he let out a long breath and got to work. He knew that he'd have to pay rent, which was approximately 70 dollars, and then he'd need money to eat all three meals (max 50 dollars), money to pay the water and electricity bills (60 dollars) and some money to join a local college.

Quickly, he walked downstairs the apartment building and took his new bicycle for a ride. First, he went to the Daily Bugle and applied as one of the newspaper photographers. After showing his work, he got selected. Then he quickly rode to Joe's Pizza and applied there as a delivery boy. He got selected there too.

After the busy day, Peter went back home and changed into his suit. He fought a few criminals and took a few photos of himself to submit to J. Jonah Jameson (the CEO and Main Publisher of the Daily Bugle) the next day.

He quickly crawled into his bed and felt the tiredness creeping into his body. He fell asleep quickly.

The next day, Peter woke up at six in the morning and made some breakfast for himself (mostly consisting of waffles and ice cream). He got his school bag- which was empty- and rode to Midtown Local College and enrolled himself into the Technology program.

After a long conversation with the receptionist, Peter left the building with his schedule and books. He rode to the main office building of the Daily Bugle and went up to J. Jonah Jameson's floor. He submitted the photos of himself and got an envelop containing 30 dollars.

Then he rode to Joe's Pizza to start his shift (10:30 AM-1:00 PM). Peter wasn't too good at his job because he kept crashing into cars and cycles, so he decided to swing over to the delivery areas instead. 

After his shift ended he went to the college and took a seat at the first row, ready to learn. Two hours later, his lecture ended and he could go home now.

He went home and counted the money he had- putting it into a small box. He had made 40 dollars today, 30 dollars from the pictures and 10 dollars from tips he received as a delivery boy. He smiled to himself, started on his homework and read over the topic taught that day.

It was going to be busy but Peter Parker would make it work.

Written by Void 

Edited by Reese

No. of Words: 399 (Only body)

Written on: 15/4/2022

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