11 ~ Stranger Danger!

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Ruth Rogers

After Tom shut his door in my face after our argument, I went straight to Harrison and broke down into pieces. He was there to comfort me, of course; his arm always around me, rubbing my arm soothingly as he gave me advice and told me that it was ok and not to threat. That he's always going to be there for me when I need him and he's there with open arms. I'm glad I have him, really. And grateful. I think I'd be dead at this point if it wasn't for Haz.

I cried most of the day in my room under my covers, wishing that the fight wasn't real, what was said wasn't real, and that everything was fine after we kissed; happy and in love perhaps? God, what am I saying? I'm talking about Tom here. He's like incapable at loving at this point ever since that girl Harrison told me about. I feel bad for him, I really do; But, fuck me, he needs to realise that not everyone will be like that. I understand that he might have trust issues, I do too, and I'm willing to stay and help him through it.

Though I can't, since he isn't willing to let me in even a little bit... We could go as slow as he'd like if he wanted!

God, I wish I could've went through a whore phase after Estelle instead of being here. Then again, I'm grateful I'm here.. I think..? Fuck, I don't know! I huff as my mind races, wiping my old cold tears off my redden cheeks and get up from my messy bed. It hasn't been a day and it looks like I've been crying for weeks. My eyes puffy and red like my blotchy cheeks, my hair messy and knotted from rolling around as I sob. As if I had a lightbulb in my head, I widen my eyes as an idea popped into my brain. Buy something.. Honestly, it sounds stupid, but sometimes buying a new plush or new shade of lipstick really gets me in a good mood.

I open my laptop, staring at the google chromes home screen as I think and look around my room before my eyes land on my bed and the teddy-filled net above it. I scan the arrangement of plushes, thinking hard about what I might want. My eyes drift to the Spider-Man poster that I recently bought, and then the lightbulb goes off again.

I quickly type what I'm looking for into the search bar and clap my hands in excitement as I see basically exactly what I want. A Spider-Man cuddleez plush; 23 and a half inches with arms and legs... It looks like a strange shaped toddler, if I'm being completely honest, but that doesn't stop me from buying it. Tom gave me one of his black cards and told me that if I wanted something to buy to just use it so I don't have to go see him. My heart jumps at the memory, remembering how warm he felt when I embraced him with a few 'thank you's. I shake my head, scolding myself and click the buy button. Happy and feeling better, I close the laptop lid and brush my hair and make my bed. The sheets pulled back nicely and the pillows and soft toys arranged perfectly on top of the grey, fluffy comforter.

I smile and check the time on my phone, realising it's basically time for dinner, making my way downstairs. I see Harrison at the door, talking to Ed; the huge, buff body guard who's really a softy.

"Where are you off to?" I ask Harrison, smiling sweetly at the blonde boy.

"We have to go to this deal thing, so you'll be on your own tonight.. Well, you'll have Martha and Ed, but they're leaving early too..." He says gingerly. I nod and shrug.

"That's ok, you do what you have to do" He smiles at me, turning around before quickly turning back.

"There are other guards, they're just at the gate of the house though... I'll see you later though, RuRu" He grins, hugging my quickly with a peck on the cheek. I cringe and wave him off, seeing Tom in the back of the car with a strangely wide smile on his face. I give him a questioning look and wave slightly, watching him do it back, saying something I can't hear as they drive off.

I sigh and turn around to go back into the warmth of the house, sitting at the dining table fit for at least 10 people, yet only one chair is being used. God, this is just sad for any stranger to see...

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