The Beginning

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The Beginning

The Queen died young and quite miserably.

In a silent chamber, her corpse was wrapped with linen strips—emitting a mild smell of aromatic oils and tree resin. Attached to her head was a gold funerary mask; it signified her divinity and highly valued status as a Queen.

Asim, the young embalmer, made a relieving sigh and wiped the resin stains on his palms.

He stared at the beautiful mummy lying over the flat boulder and smiled with a hint of melancholia. Asim had witnessed half of the struggles that the Queen went through. It was an honor for him to serve her for the last time.

He whispered to the air. "May your heart be light as a feather, Your Majesty."

He turned around and busied himself at the corner until a voice suddenly resonated from behind. "How's her body?"

His heart momentarily jumped from the Pharaoh's sudden appearance. He almost thought the Queen's ka—her soul—just visited him. Glad it wasn't the case.

He then faced him. "Greetings to His Majesty, the King of Egypt... The process was successful," he retorted. "We recited the right spells and placed the protective amulet and mask over the body. Her internal organs are safely placed in the jars too." He pointed at the canopic jars which were aligned on the shelf in the distance.

Eyeballs. Stomach. Liver. Lungs. Intestines. They were all separately placed in each canopic jar—aside from one very important organ, the heart. It was left inside the Queen's body as part of the mummification process. They believe the heart is the center of one's being and intelligence, so it must be left within the mummified body.

"Rest assured they are complete. No organ was lost."

He gazed back at the Pharaoh who was staring deeply at the linen-wrapped mummy. There was a glint of confusion, regret, and pain circled beneath his eyes. The kind of look with so much to tell yet no soul can hear.

Asim noticed this. "I'm genuinely sorry for your loss, Your Majesty." He bowed again. "I wish you and the Queen will meet someday at the Field of Reeds."

The sixteen-year-old Pharaoh twitched his lips. He decided not to make a comment on his remark. "How about what the old woman said last time?"

"Are we going to believe her ridiculous oracle, Your Majesty?" he asked back, a bit skeptical. "She said something impossible. How can even a dead return to the mortal world when they're meant to cross the afterlife?"

The Pharaoh sighed. He thought of this too. It is indeed unspeakably ridiculous. The sheeps are almost considered sacred in their land. They aren't usually used as offerings to the dead. But to hell with that. When it comes to her, he's willing to violate the laws. Or change it.

"Still, we're going to follow the offerings that the old woman said. They might be needed by her body."

He slowly nodded. "Alright. I'll inform the head scribe to announce these important offerings to the public."

"When will her body be transferred to the pyramid, by the way?"

"It may happen two weeks from now, Your Majesty," he answered. "We have already bandaged the body with three layers of solid linen strips. We performed it with utmost care so it wouldn't break or deform her."

"Good." He crossed his arms. "For now, leave. I want to be alone with her."

"Of course. Do as you please."

Once the Pharaoh was left alone inside the chamber—along with his wife's mummified body, the strong aura and rigid expression he kept the entire time began to wither. Like his powerful Nemes falling off his head. A great facade that no one must see.

He balled his fists. "Habibah..." His voice croaked as he stared at the mummy in utter agony. "I'm so sorry..."

He gritted his teeth. "Can you still ever forgive me, the one who killed you?"

Pyramids: The Gateway to StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora