One Last Time, For Old Times Sake

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He stumbled into the flat, disheveled beyond recognition.  

"W-what just happened...?" he groggily thought, as he made his way to the kitchen in search of any thing that could cure his blinding migraine. 

The light was pouring in through the shades, reminiscent of the interrogation lamp he had been under just six hours ago. If anything, it worsened his headache and pissed him off even more; it caused rage to bubble up and spew out of him. 

"Why the FUCK, can't I just have ONE minute of peace!" he yelled as he quickly paced over and yanked the blinds together at one last feeble chance at some relief. 

Finally, without distraction, he gave into his tiredness and slumped onto the couch with his head in his hands. Slowly, he rubbed small circles into his temples. 

"This is how she does it..." 

Suddenly, he feels a presence -- a familiar presence in the hallway. One that reminds him of rainy nights in filled with whimsical laughs and sarcastic remarks, overly audacious eye-rolls, and even a side-eye or two. Days filled with bliss, knowing that there is no one else. 

"You look and smell like shit," she said in a tired voice lined with worry. 

All he could do was groan in response, "Mhmm." 

She made her way in front of him and covered his hands with hers tenderly pushing his hands out of the way so she could continue to rub his temples. 

"I'm not going to ask any questions right now, but you have a TON of explaining to do tomorrow, and no amount of your 'special tea' is going to be able to get you out of it." (Y/N) proclaimed to Sherlock in a matter-of-fact tone. 

Again, a meager "Mkay," was all he could utter from his limp body. 

"Here, follow my lead," (Y/N) says budging Sherlock to slightly move over while she positions herself with her back against the armrest. Grabbing Sherlock's arm, she slightly pulls him to lay in between her legs with his head resting on her belly. This way, she was able to continue rubbing his temples, hopefully aiding him in some sort of way. 

" You always take care of me... and I don't thank you enough for that... thank you." he said sounding like he was slipping in and out of consciousness. 

Kissing his forehead, she just continued to rub his temples until he peacefully fell asleep in her lap. She stayed that way the whole night, just contemplating on everything that could have caused him to show up in such an ungodly state.

She came to the conclusion that, at the very least, he was safely wrapped in her embrace for another night. That's honestly why she can forgive him for so much; he always returns, and he always looks at her with those guilt-ridden eyes, full of so much pain and sorrow. 

She loves him too much. 

Kissing the crown of his head one last time, she eases herself down to where her head is now resting comfortably on the armrest. With her fingers interlocked in his curls, she falls asleep knowing that tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day. 


Hey, guys! I felt a bit nostalgic and decided to write a small little one shot for you guys for old time sake. That, and I honestly kind of wanted to gage where my writing is now lol. 

I  hope this finds you well, I think we all know just how difficult these past few years have been, and wherever life has led you, I hope there are still bigger and better places to go. 

I love you guys! You all deserve happiness, and love -- never forget your worth!

Goodbye, my loves... maybe ;)

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