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Inside Art's room he was messing around on his computer looking around for anything that really good to listen to since after the chemical bath and whatever that surge was yesterday Art was now able to hear pretty much like superman as he could hear a fat man drop a nickel and some dimes at the nearby hotdog stand.

So thanks to the family doctor which if he was remembering right had won an award or something possibly even more for his achievements but honestly Art just remembers him as some old guy that liked looking at young (but within the range that he wouldn't get in trouble) woman more than anything including his own mother anytime he came to check up on them in the past.

But thanks to that at least Art can always be listening to something no matter what! Buttt... its not like it really helps all that much since the only thing it does is shorten the range of his hearing to that of a normal persons range of hearing and he also almost always has to have new taps and cd's, since he's constantly listening to stuff.

Art: "(Sighs as he leans back on his rolling chair) Man if only things were advanced enough to where I could listen to any and everything I want (holds up cassette tape) without having to luge these things around."

Sadly though Art didn't really have enough time to laminate on his thoughts' as it was time to go to school and its not like his crappy little step-brother Adam made anything easier for him in the slightest since just a few minutes ago he saw the little devil child seemingly messing around with an air horn and megaphone.

Art just rolls his eyes as he grabs a himself some toast, bacon, and cocked eggs to make himself a breakfasts sandwich as he slings his back around and head's out the door and into his private limo car as the family butler takes him to school for the day.

Butler: "Is everything alright sir?"

Art: "(Tapping his foot very fast but stops once he notices) Nah everything's okay just a little uneasy about going to school... I mean like what's going to happen I'm like the only kid in class or maybe even the whole school who HAS to listen to things in order to be more normal! And if that wasn't bad enough I gotta deal with the fact that pretty much almost everyone who might interact with me just does so because of my parents I mean what the heck am I supposed to do!?"

Butler: "I say you just let it play out naturally sir. If you meet people who seem friendly than get to know them first before you go and make any judgment's about them for if you do that then you shan't ever make a friend."

Art: "But what if-"

Butler: "Young master if I may life is full of what if's and possibilities to hurt you but it's also something where you can make and meet the people that will help shape you at such a delicate age that I recommend that you "stick your neck out there?" As you kids say and do whatever you want and think about what'll happen tomorrow since that day may come with knowledge instead of today with hesitation."

Art then smiles and heads out the door as he thanks the butler as he marches forward towards Dakota High with the most dread he's ever felt in his life but he slaps his face a couple times in the bathroom before heading out towards his classroom.

Art: "(Looking into a broken and fractured mirror as he splashed water on his face) Alright you can do! Today you're just trying to make a friend just one's good enough for now!"

Walking out Art knocking into Virgil? and his friend? Richie? spilling almost all of the papers the two had on hand about something and as all three of them tried to be as polite as they could be Art couldn't help but notice that quite a few papers had the same symbol as the gas can's that were on the docks.

Art: "(Watch's the two leave) What the heck are they doing?"

Unfortunately before he could do anything the school bell ring telling him that his second day of school was now followed with him being late which if he weren't new and had an excuse from his family doctor than he would have had been forced to partake in a very long berating from his father but thankfully he can be at peace for only being a few minutes late.

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