12. Escaping Danger🧁

Start from the beginning

August shrugged. "She's alright, I guess."

Casey shifted his gaze between the two, not expecting such an amicable conversation. It didn't take long for them to set up in an interview room and give their recounts of what happened. Detective Bailey promised to keep an officer posted outside his home, just in case someone attempted to follow him or attack his family.

After thanking the detective for his time, Casey made his way back out to his car with August. They documented photographic evidence of the damage, and Casey assured Detective Bailey that he could make it home on his own, even with the windows broken.

"I don't wanna go home yet," Casey said. "Don't really wanna drive around either, after what happened."

August nodded. "I know a place we can go."


Nocturnal life stirred awake, despite the cold, while they sipped their steamy mugs of coffee. Casey hadn't been ready to return home just yet. Not when he suspected those guys might follow him. After giving his statement at the police station, he let August drive them to his grandmother's house on the next block.

The moment he stepped inside, a warm aroma of cinnamon embraced him. August's grandmother was a sweet, petite old lady with snow white hair. She welcomed them inside and got them cups of coffee.

Shivers raked Casey's body as he tried to calm his frantic heart. Gunshots still echoed in his head. Every small noise had him skittish, like he'd jump right out of his skin. Even the padding steps of their family dog pacing the living room had him on edge. The dog sniffed at his left foot then hurried over to August, who dangled some dog treats in front of him.

"You okay, honey?" August's grandma came up behind him, draping a blanket over his shoulders. "August tells me those gang members were after ya."

Casey nodded. "I-I think so."

"Them no good sons a bitches been after my boy here too. Won't leave him be," she said.

"Grammie, now's not the time for that." August rested a hand on her shoulder. "Casey's still in shock. Hell, I am too. I can't believe they'd go this far. They're ignoring Veronica."

Casey rested his mug down on a coaster. "What do you mean?"

"The guys that shot at us were Black Vipers," August replied.

"Seriously? Emmett was telling the truth then."

"Emmett?" August raised a brow. "You've been talking with their rival?"

"No, he's a guy that works at the Wallflower. He warned me about your gang putting a hit out on my family. I guess he wasn't lying," Casey explained.

"Well, that slimy bastard's no better. Honestly, neither gang is trustworthy," August said.

"You're still one of them," Casey murmured.

August shrugged. "Wish I wasn't. Didn't have much of a choice. Anyway, you can stay here as long as you want. If the couch isn't comfortable enough, you can sleep in my old bedroom."

"Oh, I appreciate you bringing me here, but I've gotta get back home to Wyatt. My family will be worried sick about me," Casey told him.

"Alright, but we're gonna lay low here just a bit longer. You need to relax. Right now, you're still reeling from the impact," August replied. "And I wanna make sure those guys don't follow you back to your house."

"You don't think they'd try to shoot up our home, do you?" Casey bit on his lower lip, tasting a tang of blood.

"That's what I'm concerned about. Y'all have a gun, right?" August asked. "In case something were to happen?"

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