In The Making

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" Y/N! Your phone's ringin' Pick it up! " Vermissa said diverting her attention to me.

I put down The tape measure and chalk I was holding and left Mitsuya and Hakkai to go get My phone from The Table near The Ideas board.

Hm?.. Chifuyu? What does he want? Regardless I answered The phone call and His usual voice Greeted me.

" Y/N! " He said almost bothered by something.

" Did you need anything Chifuyu? " I asked worried.

I felt like suddenly everyone's attention was on me, All the sudden I felt like A prey. I shrugged it off and Focused on Chifuyu

" What exactly is your Relationship? " 

Oh? < Why's he asking about this all the sudden? I mean yeah, Like a week ago we bumped into him while buying fabrics, Besides that I don't know >

" Why are you asking all the sudden, Fuyu? " I said knowing well That I  returned a question and tilted  My head.

I didn't bother going outside to talk with him honestly.

" Last time I bumped into you guys, You two seemed so.... Close " He answered.

I stayed quiet wanting him to continue and finish, But I was left wondering why was he so interested?.

" And then yesterday, I was going to pick you up from your work to surprise you and take you to the shop but.. I saw you walking with him you almost seemed like lovers... " Chifuyu stated so sadly.

That was again so sweet of him, I didn't even notice his car yesterday too I would have loved to go to the shop but we went and bought materials so I couldn't possibly. But I know deep well Chifuyu knows  I don't like relationships.

" Him and I are merely co-workers and friends, And You know full well I don't like.. well you know " I said sighing and confused.

" Besides yesterday we went to buy other materials for our project, Fuyu. Don't worry about a thing "

Gently smiling as I can suddenly feel his warm smile all the way here.

" Can I pick you up early later then? Let's hang out " Chifuyu said in such a gentle sound.

" Sure thing, Fuyu " I said happily.

" But Fuyu I need to go back to work so I'll see you later okay? "

We said our fair-wells and I put my phone back on the desk and got the remote for the tv. Changing the song to Conan gray's Generation Why.

I feel suddenly much better now, Earlier I think I was too pressured. I scratched the back of my head and smiled awkwardly.

" Say Y/N!!!! " Vermissa suddenly said over-dominating the quietness that was just in the room.

I looked over to her shocked.

" Are you sure That Fuyu guy's just your ' bestfriend ' " She said teasing the life out of me.

I quickly glanced over at Mitsuya who looks like he lost his mood.

I nodded and rolled My eyes at her, I went back to what I was doing earlier when Jay suddenly stands up and rubbed his hands together.

" Anyone wants drinks? I'll order some " Jay said fishing for his phone in his pockets.

I turned over to Mitsuya who was already looking at me. " So how about you Mitsuya? What would you like? " I asked patiently.

He paused for a moment then locked eyes with me and smiled. " I'll have whatever you order, Y/N! " He answered enthusiastically.

Don't Let Go | Mitsuya TakashiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon