♀: "Maybe if this is all over..."

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^Aaron hugging Aria in the middle of a busy street

**Not Edited (Please ignore the grammar and spelling mistakes. ;A;)**

TRIGGER WARNING: there is a suicide attempt in this chapter, so if reading about it makes you uncomfortable or upset in any way, I would not read this chapter. Just a heads up.

"Jealousy is when you worry someone will take what you want. Envy is wanting what someone else has."


♀Aria POV♀

"Where are we going?" Aaron sighed as we moved in masses towards a large and well-lit building.

"Nana's parents threw a part in celebration for her winning!" I said brightly, clinging onto Aaron's arm so I don't lose him.

"Why are there so many people?"

"Rich people need media coverage and to appear on gossip magazines. Duh," I said, trying not to jab a man in the ribcage even though he totally deserved it because he elbowed me out of the way.


"Aria," Aaron sighed, yanking me in front of him and wrapping his arms around my waist. "There. Now you won't get unnecessarily jabbed."

"Okay, that dude was just rude," I huffed, choosing not to analyze why his arms were still wrapped around my waist as we managed to safely get into the building. Once I start over-analyzing things, it all goes downhill.

So Aaron giving me a kiss? Easy. To shut me up.

His arms around my waist? That's to make sure he doesn't lose me because there was still a huge amount of people trying to enter the large hall.

By the time Aaron got us into the main room, hall was so big and noisy it was hard to talk to anyone. It was like a yelling contest, and it just got louder and louder to the point where talking to someone became a game of telephone.

"Isn't this party just awesome?!"

"Jason has a pet possum?"

"You're a Christian?"

"I'm a Russian? No I'm not, I'm Japanese!"

"You speak Portiguese?"

"No! I was just asking if you want a grape!"

"You're gay? Just like Aaron! You two should get together!"

"Have I seen May? No, who the hell is May?"

"You've seen Ray? Where?! I need to beat him up! That lying cheating jerk!"

"What church?"

"The perch?"


 Everyone did as they were told and shut up to face Nana's dad, who held a megaphone in one hand and a wineglass in the other. Weird combination.

"Welcome, to the Ball of Design!" His voice boomed and everyone started clapping- which lead to a clapping contest of everyone trying to clap louder than each other.

"EVERYONE STOP CLAPPING!" Nana's dad yelled.

Everyone reluctantly stopped clapping, although some people were still clapping silently

"Let go of the megaphone!" Nana's mom hissed, trying to get the megaphone from her husband.

Huh. Where'd she come from?

"No, I'm the one introducing!" Nana's dad hissed back.

"Just let go!"


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