Rule Neu Aztlan, Neu Aztlan Rules The Lake

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She mumbles the words unfortunately even keen hearing is not effective against mumbling

(Y/n): I beg your pardon?

Evileye: I...I followed you here!

The other patrons turn their head quickly looking away when you turn to them

(Y/n): unsurprising, you seem to be infatuated with me.

Gagaran laughs slamming her fist into the table Climb unaware of what to do as Evileye fumbles waving her hands trying to dissuade your words

Evileye: no...I mean yes...I mean...why is acting like a woman difficult...did I say that out loud!!

 She bangs her head against the table going silent, if it weren't for the fact that she's trying to dig her head further you would've believed she knocked herself out

(Y/n): where are the other Blue Rose members?

Gagaran: oh, around...

Evelyn: 'Lord Gier, someone is trying to sneak into your office floor.'

(Y/n): 'just activate the defenses Evelyn, it will sort them out.'

There's a feel of static in the air before dispersing a couple yelps heard upstairs only heard by you

Gagaran: and Lakyus is trying to...uh, train with her sword.

(Y/n): oh, the catalyst? well good luck to her I guess.

She stays silent at the reveal of Killneyram's actual purpose as you walk away 

Climb still not sure how to feel with how you silenced the two woman, Eveileye still rolling her head against the table, and Gagaran stunned at deciphering a so called legendary sword


Finding that coin altered your plans for the day originally you were going to stay at your inn for a couple of days to get it running and stable, but that coin was from one place only and that was your vassal

A coin that shouldn't exist yet no less with your face on it appearing in the room that makes Sif's office at Neu Aztlan the walls made of stone with doors being curtains and furniture strewn about

(Y/n): Sif.

Sif: yes, father?

You follow her voice entering a side room lifting a flap finding her kneeling raising your hand she stands and promptly gives you a hug patting her head tail wagging behind her

(Y/n): so...I was in the inn I own when I heard a commotion, a man was trying to hire one of my staff as a whore with a silver coin...baring my face.

Her amber eyes widen not at being discovered, but that the coin managed to become apart of the economy of the kingdom your trying to conquer

Sif: oh...well, we didn't plan on making currency, but the Lizardmen were so eager to please you and then slowly more and more Lizardmen from beyond the lake began joining that we were ahead of schedule.

You lift the flap that made the window only now do you realize how high this little office of hers really was, as it rested atop a step-pyramid a couple more in the distance looking down you see Lizardmen walking on paved streets with store vendors trying to sell from their stone shops

Your eyes shine at the sight of a behemoth of a sauropod, while it as not how you remember them in the books Demiurge could only do so much with the Hydra's blood as it stomped through the street dragging materials behind itself a lizardmen riding atop the back on a platform

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