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Sometimes you just need to cut it. Sometimes you just need to let that dumb stupid shit go. Even if you want to, everything is never going to be a part of your world.

Sometimes you need to stop fight. Sometimes you need to stop fight when you realize that it's just a one sided fight and you're the only one fighting. The sad thing is that you aren't even fighting for yourself, you are fighting for someone that cares so little about you that they say they are understanding you, but then just watching you destroy yourself.

Sometimes you need to breath. Sometimes you need to breath when you feel like you can't take anymore. No one are supposed to be perfect, but when you find someone that really cares about you, in their eyes, you will always be perfect regardless your defects.

Sometimes you need to die. Sometimes you need to die on the inside to finally find yourself. Life is hard and that will never be a lie. All you can do is to try, try to be a good person, try to be with good persons and always remember that you are good enough and if someone can't see that, then they are not good enough for you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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